Chapter 2:

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[Melony storms off, still searching for the perfect bed. SMG4 and Mario go to find her and Boopkins]

SMG4: "Melony? Boopkins? Where did you two run off to?"

Boopkins: "Over here! Melony's still looking at beds."

[They find Melony inspecting another bed, muttering to herself]

Melony: "Hmm, this one looks a little better. But I'm not sure..."

SMG4: "Any luck finding something you like?"

Melony: "Not yet. Boopkins has no idea what he's talking about. This bed is perfectly fine!"

Boopkins: "No way, it's totally crooked! I'm telling you, your taste in beds is awful."

Melony: huffs "Whatever, I'm getting this one whether you like it or not."

Mario: "Ugh, can we just pick something and go already? I'm starving!"

SMG4: "Alright, alright. Melony, if you really like that bed then let's get it. We can look at some other stores too."

Melony: smiles "Finally, someone with some sense! Okay, let's check out."

[The group makes their way to the checkout, Mario grumbling the whole time. Once they pay, they head out to the car]

Mario: "Finally! Now can we get some food?"

SMG4: "Yes Mario, we can get food after we drop this stuff off at the castle."

[They load up the car and head out, Melony and Boopkins still bickering in the backseat]

[As they drive back to the castle, Mario's stomach starts rumbling loudly]

Mario: groans "Ughhh, I'm so hungry! Can't we just stop somewhere to eat first?"

SMG4: "No Mario, we need to get this furniture back to the castle and set it up. Then we can get food, I promise."

Mario: "But Smg4, I'm wasting away back here! Just a quick stop, pleeeease?"

Melony: interrupting "Ooh, can we stop at that new Italian restaurant? I heard they have amazing pasta."

Boopkins: "Ugh, no way! I want to go to that new burger joint instead."

Melony: "Burgers? Seriously Boopkins, that's so boring. Italian is way better."

Boopkins: "No way, burgers are the best! And I'm paying, so we're going to the burger place."

Melony: huffs "Fine, but I'm not eating a single bite."

SMG4: sighs "Alright, alright, we'll stop and get something to eat. But then it's straight to the castle to unload and set up, okay?"

Mario: pumps fist "Yes! I knew you'd see it my way, Smg4."

[They pull into the burger joint parking lot and head inside. Melony begrudgingly orders a small salad while the others get burgers and fries]

Melony: picking at her salad "This is so disappointing. I should have just insisted on Italian."

Boopkins: mouth full "Mmm, this is so good! You're missing out Melony."

Melony: rolls eyes "Whatever, let's just hurry up so we can get to the castle."

[After finishing their meal, the group heads back out to the car, ready to continue on to their final destination]

SMG4 Fanfic: Mario goes to home depotWhere stories live. Discover now