Chapter 5:

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[The next morning, the group wakes up well-rested and ready to tackle the remaining tasks in the new castle]

Melony: stretching "Ahhh, what a great night's sleep. Now, time to get this place looking perfect."

Boopkins: groaning "Ugh, do we have to? Can't we just relax for once?"

Melony: giving him a stern look "Absolutely not. There's still work to be done, Boopkins. And I'm starting with that recliner."

[Melony marches over to the offending piece of furniture, circling it critically]

Melony: "Hmm, I think if I just shift it juuust a little bit to the left..."

[She begins attempting to move the recliner, grunting with the effort]

Boopkins: rolling his eyes "Melony, come on, leave it alone! It looks fine where it is."

Melony: glaring at him "No way, it's driving me crazy. Just give me a hand, would you?"

[Boopkins reluctantly goes to help Melony, the two of them struggling to reposition the heavy chair]

SMG4: walking in "What's going on in here? I thought we were all going to have breakfast together."

Mario: following behind "Yeah, I'm starving! Where's the food?"

Melony: grunting "Just a minute, we're... trying to fix this stupid recliner."

SMG4: chuckling "Ah, I see. Need some help with that?"

Boopkins: exasperated "Please, anything to get her to stop obsessing over it."

[SMG4 and Mario join in, the four of them finally managing to shift the recliner to Melony's liking]

Melony: stepping back to admire their work "There, perfect. Doesn't that look so much better?"

Boopkins: under his breath "I guess, if you say so..."

SMG4: clapping his hands together "Alright, now that that's settled, who's ready for breakfast?"

Mario: pumping his fist "Me, me! Let's go, I'm starving!"

[The group heads to the kitchen, Melony giving the recliner one last satisfied look before following the others. The day is still young, and there's plenty more to do to make their new home truly perfect.]

[In the kitchen, the group gathers around the table, ready to enjoy a hearty breakfast together]

SMG4: "Alright, let's see what we've got. Mario, you wanna help me cook up some eggs and bacon?"

Mario: rubbing his hands together eagerly "You bet! I'm gonna make the best breakfast ever!"

[Mario and SMG4 get to work at the stove, while Melony and Boopkins take a seat at the table]

Melony: eyeing the kitchen "Hmm, I think we should rearrange the placement of the appliances too. Everything needs to flow just right."

Boopkins: groaning "Melony, come on! Can we just eat in peace for once? The kitchen looks fine as is."

Melony: frowning "But don't you think the fridge would look better over there, by the window? It would open up the whole space."

Boopkins: throwing his hands up "Ugh, I give up. Do whatever you want, I'm not arguing about this anymore."

[Melony smiles triumphantly, already mentally rearranging the kitchen in her mind]

Mario: calling out "Breakfast is ready! Who's hungry?"

[The group eagerly digs in, the delicious scent of bacon and eggs filling the air]

Melony: taking a bite "Mmm, this is amazing! You two really outdid yourselves."

Mario: puffing out his chest "Of course! I'm the master chef around here."

SMG4: chuckling "Easy there, Mario. We both worked hard on this."

[As they eat, Melony continues to steal glances at the kitchen, already planning her next round of rearranging]

Boopkins: noticing her distraction "Melony, would you please just focus on your food for once? The kitchen is fine, I promise."

Melony: sighing "Fiiiine. But just you wait, I have big plans for this place."

[The group finishes their meal, feeling full and content. But for Melony, the work is far from over - she's determined to make their new castle a true showpiece, no matter how much Boopkins protests.]

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