Chapter 1:

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[Mario, SMG4, Melony and Boopkins arrive at home depot. Ready to get some furniture for the new house. Melony wasn't really interested in anything else but the beds. SMG4 had devised a plan to go to multiple furniture stores after this, including IKEA.]

SMG4: Well, i guess we better get started looking.

Mario: What are we doing here again?

SMG4: *sighs* Mario, we are just simply getting furniture for the new house.

Mario: Oh. You could have just said so.

SMG4: I just did!

Mario: Whatever.


Melony: This looks nice!

Boopkins: That's what you said for the last 3 beds and they were not that good.

Melony: You just don't have good taste!

Boopkins: Yes i do!

Melony: No you do not!

Boopkins: Whatever. I bet 5 dollars this bed is not any good.

Melony: You will regret it!

Boopkins: Melony... The bed is crooked.

Melony: Ummm... No it's Not!

Boopkins: Yes it is?

[Mario and SMG4 walk through the home depot furniture section]

Mario: "This is so boring! When can we go home?"

SMG4: "Mario, we just got here. We need to find some good furniture for the new castle. Now come on, let's look around."

[Melony and Boopkins continue their argument over the crooked bed]

Melony: "It's not crooked! You just don't know what good furniture looks like."

Boopkins: "Are you kidding me? It's leaning to the side! Even a blind person could see that."

Melony: "Ugh, you're impossible! I'm going to find a better bed."

[Melony storms off, leaving Boopkins shaking his head]

Boopkins: "I guess I'll just wait here then..."

[SMG4 and Mario continue browsing the aisles, looking at different couches and chairs]

SMG4: "Hmm, this recliner looks pretty comfy. What do you think, Mario?"

Mario: "I don't know, it looks kinda boring. Don't we want something more exciting?"

SMG4: "Mario, we need practical furniture, not something over-the-top. We want the castle to look nice, not like a circus."

Mario: "Fiiiine. I guess this will have to do then."

SMG4: "Good. Now let's go see what Melony and Boopkins are up to

SMG4 Fanfic: Mario goes to home depotWhere stories live. Discover now