Chapter 4:

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[After several more hours of arguing and furniture rearranging, the group finally finishes setting up the new castle]

Melony: wiping sweat from her brow "Phew, I'm so glad that's over. This place looks so much better now."

Boopkins: flopping down on the new couch "Speak for yourself. I'm exhausted!"

SMG4: surveying the room "Well, I think it all turned out pretty great. Nice work, everyone."

Mario: stomach rumbling "Great, now can we please get some food? I'm starving over here!"

SMG4: chuckles "Alright, alright. Let's go see what we've got in the new kitchen."

[The group heads to the kitchen, Melony and Boopkins still bickering under their breath]

Melony: whispering "I can't believe you talked me into that hideous recliner. It's going to ruin the whole aesthetic."

Boopkins: whispering back "Would you relax? No one is even going to notice it."

[They reach the kitchen, which is fully stocked with all new appliances and cookware]

Mario: eyes wide "Woah, look at all this stuff! We're gonna eat like kings tonight."

SMG4: opening the fridge "Hmm, let's see what we've got to work with here. Looks like we've got the makings for some pasta..."

Melony: perking up "Ooh, pasta sounds amazing! Can we do that?"

Boopkins: groaning "Ugh, not pasta again. Can't we just have burgers or pizza or something?"

Melony: glaring at Boopkins "No way, we're having pasta and that's final."

SMG4: chuckling "Alright, pasta it is then. Mario, you wanna help me get started on that?"

Mario: pumping his fist "You bet! Let's do this!"

[SMG4 and Mario get to work cooking while Melony and Boopkins continue their back-and-forth in the background]

Melony: muttering "This is going to be the best pasta you've ever tasted. Just you wait."

Boopkins: rolling his eyes "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say..."

[As SMG4 and Mario prepare the pasta in the kitchen, Melony and Boopkins continue their debate in the living room.]

Melony: examining the room "I still think the recliner would look better over there, by the window. It's just clashing with the rest of the furniture."

Boopkins: exasperated "Melony, we've been through this a hundred times. The recliner is fine where it is! Can we just let it go and enjoy the pasta?"

Melony: huffing "Ugh, fine. But I reserve the right to move it later if it really starts bothering me."

Boopkins: throwing his hands up "Whatever, you do you. I'm just gonna sit back and relax."

[Boopkins plops down on the new couch, grabbing the remote to turn on the TV. Melony continues scrutinizing the room, unable to let the recliner issue go.]

Melony: muttering to herself "Maybe if I just shift it a little bit over here..."

[She starts trying to discreetly move the recliner, unaware that SMG4 has entered the room]

SMG4: clearing his throat "Uh, Melony? What are you doing?"

Melony: jumping slightly "Oh! Uh, nothing, just...admiring the furniture placement."

SMG4: raising an eyebrow "Uh-huh. Well, the pasta is almost ready if you two want to come help set the table."

Boopkins: perking up "Pasta? Finally, I'm starving!"

[Boopkins jumps up from the couch, rushing to the kitchen. Melony shoots one last glare at the recliner before following him.]

Melony: under her breath "This isn't over, ugly chair..."

[In the kitchen, Mario and SMG4 have prepared a delicious-looking pasta dish. The group gathers around the table, ready to enjoy their hard-earned meal.]

Mario: mouth watering "Mmm, this looks so good! Let's dig in!"

[The friends begin eating, the earlier tensions finally starting to dissipate as they savor the pasta together. For now, the furniture debates can wait - it's time to just relax and enjoy their new home.]

[As the group enjoys their pasta dinner, the conversation gradually shifts to more lighthearted topics]

Melony: taking a bite "Mmm, this is absolutely delicious! You two really outdid yourselves."

Mario: mouth full "Mhm, mhm! Sho good!"

SMG4: chuckling "Glad you're all enjoying it. I have to say, setting up this new place really worked up an appetite."

Boopkins: nodding enthusiastically "You got that right! I'm so ready to just relax and chill after this."

[Melony glances over at the recliner, still eyeing it critically]

Melony: sotto voce "Although, I still think that recliner could use some adjusting..."

Boopkins: overhearing "Melony, I thought we agreed to let it go! Can we please just enjoy our meal in peace?"

Melony: huffing "Fine, fine. I'll leave it alone...for now."

SMG4: intervening "Hey, how about we put on a movie after dinner? I'm sure we could all use a little downtime."

Mario: perking up "Ooh, a movie! Can we watch something with lots of action and explosions?"

SMG4: chuckling "We'll see, Mario. Maybe we can find something a little more relaxing, hmm?"

[The group continues chatting and laughing as they finish their meal, the earlier furniture debates forgotten for the moment. Once the dishes are cleared, they settle in to enjoy a cozy movie night in their new home.]

[Later, as everyone is starting to get sleepy, Melony can't resist one last glance at the recliner]

Melony: whispering to Boopkins "You know, I really think just a tiny adjustment would make all the difference..."

Boopkins: groaning "Melony, no! Let it go, please. We can deal with the furniture tomorrow, okay?"

Melony: sighing dramatically "Fiiiine. But I'm not making any promises."

[Melony reluctantly turns her attention back to the movie, but the recliner continues to nag at the back of her mind. Tomorrow is a new day, and she's determined to get that chair positioned just right, no matter what Boopkins says.]

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