Chapter 3:

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[The group pulls up to the new castle, eager to start unloading and setting up the furniture]

SMG4: "Alright, everyone out! Time to get this stuff inside."

Mario: stretching "Finally, I thought we'd never get here. Let's do this!"

[They start bringing in the furniture, Melony and Boopkins still bickering about the bed choice]

Melony: "I still can't believe you made us get those hideous burger joint seats. They're going to clash horribly with the decor!"

Boopkins: "What are you talking about? They're perfectly fine! Plus, they were way cheaper than the fancy stuff you wanted."

Melony: huffs "Ugh, you just don't understand interior design at all."

SMG4: interrupting "Guys, can we save the arguing for later? We need to get this stuff set up before it gets too late."

Mario: struggling with a large sofa "Smg4! A little help over here?"

SMG4: "Coming, Mario!"

[The group works together to get all the furniture into the castle and start arranging it. Melony keeps a close eye on where everything is placed]

Melony: "Hmm, I think the bed should go over there, by the window. And the sofa needs to be angled just so..."

Boopkins: rolling his eyes "You're so picky, Melony. It all looks fine to me."

Melony: "Well excuse me for wanting our new home to look presentable! Unlike some people who are happy with burger joint decor."

[Suddenly, a loud crash is heard from the other room]

Mario: "Uh oh, what was that?!"

SMG4: sighs "I better go check it out. You two try not to kill each other while I'm gone, okay?"

[SMG4 rushes off to investigate the noise, leaving Melony and Boopkins to continue their bickering]

[SMG4 hurries into the other room to find Mario standing sheepishly next to a broken lamp]

SMG4: "Mario! What happened in here?"

Mario: nervously "Uh, well you see...I was just trying to move this lamp and it kind of...fell over."

SMG4: pinching the bridge of his nose "Mario, how many times do I have to tell you to be careful with new furniture? Now look at this mess."

Mario: "I'm sorry Smg4! I didn't mean to break it, I swear."

SMG4: sighs "It's alright, we can just get a new one. Let's just focus on getting the rest of this place set up, okay?"

Mario: nods "Okay, I'll be more careful, I promise."

[SMG4 and Mario head back to where Melony and Boopkins are still arguing]

Melony: "I can't believe you talked me into getting that hideous recliner! It looks so out of place."

Boopkins: "What are you talking about? It looks fine! Stop being so picky, Melony."

SMG4: clearing his throat "Uh, guys? Everything okay in here?"

Melony: huffs "No, everything is not okay! Boopkins has the worst taste in furniture."

Boopkins: "No way, you're the one with the bad taste! I told you that bed was crooked."

[The two continue bickering as SMG4 and Mario exchange a exasperated look]

SMG4: quietly to Mario "Remind me again why we invited them to help?"

Mario: shrugging "Beats me. I just wanted to get this done so we could eat."

SMG4: nods "Yeah, me too. Come on, let's try to get the rest of this set up before they tear each other apart."

[The group continues working, Melony and Boopkins' arguing echoing through the castle as they try to get everything in order.]

SMG4 Fanfic: Mario goes to home depotWhere stories live. Discover now