Final Chapter:

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[After breakfast, the group sets out to tackle the remaining tasks in the castle. Melony, of course, is eager to get started on her kitchen rearrangement plans]

Melony: rubbing her hands together "Alright, time to get this kitchen whipped into shape! Who's with me?"

Boopkins: groaning "Do we have to? Can't we just relax for once?"

Melony: giving him a stern look "Absolutely not. This is the most important room in the whole castle - it has to be perfect."

SMG4: chuckling "Easy there, Melony. Why don't we tackle one room at a time? I'm sure the living room could use a little more attention."

Mario: eagerly "Ooh, can we add more action movie posters? And maybe a giant TV?"

SMG4: shaking his head "I was thinking something a little more subtle, Mario. But we can definitely make it look great."

[The group divides up the tasks, with Melony reluctantly agreeing to save the kitchen for last. They spend the rest of the day rearranging furniture, hanging art, and putting the finishing touches on their new home]

Melony: stepping back to admire their work "There, doesn't this look so much better? I told you the recliner would be perfect in that spot."

Boopkins: rolling his eyes "Yeah, yeah, you were right. Can we move on to the kitchen now?"

Melony: grinning "Thought you'd never ask! Alright everyone, let's do this."

[The group spends the next few hours meticulously rearranging the kitchen appliances and cabinets, with Melony barking orders left and right]

Melony: "No, no, the microwave needs to be over there by the sink. It'll create better workflow."

Boopkins: muttering under his breath "Whatever you say, interior design queen..."

[Finally, after much debate and rearranging, the kitchen is complete to Melony's satisfaction]

Melony: beaming "There, perfect! Doesn't it just look amazing?"

SMG4: surveying the room "I have to admit, it does look really great. Nice work, you guys."

Mario: stomach rumbling "Ugh, can we eat now? I'm starving!"

[The group gathers in the newly-renovated kitchen, enjoying a well-deserved meal together. As they chat and laugh, Melony can't help but feel a sense of pride at how their new castle has come together]

Melony: nudging Boopkins "See, I told you all the hard work would pay off. Isn't this place just gorgeous?"

Boopkins: smiling "Yeah, I guess you were right. It does look pretty amazing."

[The friends continue to enjoy their meal, basking in the cozy atmosphere of their new home. With the castle complete, they can finally relax and settle in, ready to make many more memories in this special place.]

[As the group finishes up their delicious meal, they all lean back with satisfied sighs]

Mario: patting his belly "Mmm, that hit the spot. Great job, you two!"

SMG4: chuckling "Thanks Mario. I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with how everything turned out."

Melony: beaming "I know, isn't it just perfect? I'm so glad we were able to get everything set up just right."

Boopkins: smirking "Well, it only took us about a million hours of rearranging and arguing, but hey, who's counting?"

Melony: elbowing him playfully "Oh hush, you. You know you love it."

[The friends share a laugh, the earlier tensions long forgotten as they bask in the cozy atmosphere of their new home]

SMG4: standing up "Alright, who's up for a celebratory movie night? I think we've more than earned it."

Mario: pumping his fist "Ooh, me! Can we watch something with explosions and car chases?"

SMG4: chuckling "We'll see, Mario. I was thinking something a little more...relaxing."

Melony: nodding in agreement "That sounds perfect. I could use a nice, calm evening after all that hard work."

Boopkins: grinning "Works for me! As long as there's plenty of snacks, I'm in."

[The group heads into the cozy living room, getting settled on the plush new furniture. Melony takes one last look around, a content smile on her face]

Melony: sotto voce "Yeah, this is perfect. Our new home sweet home."

[With a contented sigh, she snuggles up next to Boopkins as SMG4 starts the movie. The castle may have taken a lot of work, but seeing it all come together makes it more than worth it. This is the start of a new chapter for the friends, and they couldn't be more excited for what the future holds.]

[As the group settles in to watch the movie, Melony can't help but glance over at the recliner one last time, admiring her handiwork.]

Melony: whispering to Boopkins "You have to admit, that recliner looks so much better in this spot. It really ties the whole room together, don't you think?"

Boopkins: rolling his eyes "Yeah, yeah, I guess you were right. Can we just watch the movie now?"

Melony: smiling smugly "Alright, alright. I'll stop harping on it. For now, at least."

[She snuggles in closer to Boopkins, turning her attention to the movie. Mario, of course, is already engrossed, eyes glued to the screen.]

Mario: whisper-shouting "Woohoo, look at that explosion! This movie is awesome!"

SMG4: chuckling "Shhh, Mario. You're going to wake the whole neighborhood."

Mario: sheepishly "Oops, sorry..."

[The group continues watching the film, occasionally sharing hushed comments or reaching for more snacks. Melony can't help but feel a sense of pride and contentment as she looks around at their new home.]

Melony: thinking to herself "This is it. Our fresh start. I can't wait to make so many amazing memories here with my friends."

[As the movie winds down, the friends start to get sleepy, their eyelids growing heavy. Melony snuggles in closer to Boopkins, finally letting go of any lingering furniture worries.]

Melony: yawning "Best. Day. Ever."

[The group drifts off to sleep, the soft glow of the TV illuminating their peaceful, satisfied expressions. Tomorrow is a new day, full of endless possibilities in their brand new castle. For now, they can rest easy, knowing that their hard work has truly paid off.]

SMG4 Fanfic: Mario goes to home depotWhere stories live. Discover now