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A week had past since their first day of school, somehow District 5 had not been attacked since their first day there. Despite being hailed as Heroes by the civilians in town. Their peers in school still resent them.

Nasty glares and disgusted looks. Tripping's, horrible rumors and comments about Kade and his team. Spit in their food, secret notes telling Kade and his team to kill themselves or let the Reapers murder the whole team in the next attack. Death threats, and even fake reports to the teachers and principal about Kade and his team doing terrible things to other students.

With their training, they could handle the constant harassment by the other kids in school But one day it took a turn for the worst.

Boomer was confessed too after class. By a pretty girl in the next class over, she was pretty popular, and Boomer had happened to have a little crush on the popular girl.

Until she led him behind the school in a small dead end ally with no windows or any spots for someone to see. She led him down the ally with the temptations of a kiss, only to be met with a gang of boys, who were bullies and were the reason for most of the hate towards Kade's team.

Kade wa sitting under a tree, reading a book during break. When his MP Watch started vibrating and beeping. At first Kade thought it was an incoming Reaper attack. But when he looked at the screen, his stomach sank.


The location popped up on his watches screen. Kaito was nearby, learning how to play basketball. Rise was sitting with Kade under the tree learning how to play guitar. And Frost was also in the basketball court with Kaito.

Rise and Kade shared a worried look before they jumped up. Kaito and Frost burst out of the door leading to the courtyard and spotted Kade. Together they ran to the marked spot and found Boomer.

He was curled up on the ground, bloody and beaten. A gang of six boys kicking him and hitting him with a baseball bat. The girl who confessed to Boomer stood there proud and watching them beat on her supposed boyfriend with an evil smile.

"Get back!" Kade shouted, scarring everyone involved in the beating.

"Get lost!" the girl shouted back at Kade, getting in his face. "Meka Born freaks deserve to di—"

Rise punched the girl right in the mouth, making her crumple to the ground in an unconscious mess. The gang started to encroach on the team, evil in their eyes.

"Rise and Frost, get Boomer out of here," Kade said. "Kaito and I will talk to these guys."

Rise and Frost moved forward, but was met with a swing of a bat. It missed and just whooshed in the air, but it forced them to step back.

"You're the melee expert, you take the guy with the bat," Kaito said.

"Why? You scared to do it?" Kade said.

"No! I could take him!" Kaito said.

"Just messing with you," Kade laughed, confusing the gang of bullies.

Kade stopped laughing, and walked forward, "Stop moving or I'll hit you!" the boy with the bat said.

"You can try," Kade said, as he kept moving.

The kid swallowed, then he pulled the bat back and swung. Kade hit the kids knee with a downwards kick. A loud SNAP and the kid fell to the ground with blood curdling screaming. The metal bat with blood on the barrel clanked to the ground. The rest of the gang took a step back.

MEKA BORN: UNKNOWNWhere stories live. Discover now