The Student Life

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University was perfect for Jennifer. 

While admission and starting the very first semester was nerve-wracking and somewhat confusing, the academic life soon became second nature. Everyday for three years Jennifer hopped onto the 54 bus around the corner from the house, saving seats for Mary, Linda and Rebecca who got on further up the road. From there they went to their respective classes, occasionally seeing each other in the library or in corridors between lectures, and when their day was done they came back on the same bus, usually home for dinner by five. 

Ellie was fully immersed in the student experience, and she quickly became a big name on campus what with her parties and frequent socialisation. As a group they'd hang out, whether at her parties or just for study sessions, but over time they saw less and less or her. It wasn't without trying, but they all had lectures at different times, constant assignments due and eventually, their own everyday friend groups. By the time fourth year rolled around it was very uncommon for anyone to run into Ellie, though if they did it would be a two minute encounter between classes. 

Jennifer and Linda were probably the closest now out of their old friend group, having the same Physics module together, both lucky enough to be second year entrants to the course. They all still saw each other over summer, and they'd act like they had never been apart, but as people began to join societies and extra curriculars it wasn't uncommon to stop seeing each other as much, potentially even for weeks at a time. Jennifer supposed that's what happened at this stage in their lives though - people moved on. 

There was an obvious gap in their friend group with Mary gone. She'd been the level headed one, the person that helped them stick together, and now she was gone. After a few expensive phone calls to Harvard, they agreed just to meet when she was home, but during term time they all missed her jokes and kindness. Still, they were proud of her for getting into one of the most prestigious universities in the world, even if it meant they spent eight months without her. 

Linda truly was Jennifer's saving grace though, especially when physics got tough. Sure, they both ended up in different circles like everyone else, but it was still common even in their final year to sit next to each other in lectures and work on assignments together in the library. Somehow, despite her dirty jokes and insistent gum chewing, Jennifer was glad they were still close - she'd dragged her to so many gigs and introduced her lots of people that she never would've went to or met otherwise. Her life was great. 

Jennifer's own friend group wasn't half bad either. They perhaps weren't the most close knitted group of people, but they were good friends nonetheless. It had started with Jennifer meeting Jackie in a maths lecture, then she was introduced to another girl Jackie knew from biology - Julie-, who then brought along the guy she sat next to in statistics to a study session. This guy, Michael, introduced them all to Danny who he played lacrosse with who also coincidentally studied physics. And finally there was Ava, who was a direct entrant to second year maths, that Jennifer immediately bonded with.  

It had taken a while for them all to meet and get to know each other, but they'd always save seats for each other in the library in case they dropped by. It wasn't uncommon for them to bring along their own friends either, Jennifer bringing Linda, Michael bringing along countless girls, and Ava occasionally coming with another girl she met. They could talk freely with each other, have laughs and bask in each others company. Sometimes they'd go out for a night out or a dinner, but it was a rarity. 

Back at home, things had changed somewhat since Jennifer's graduation in seventy-four. Laura had been promoted to head nurse, bringing some extra income to the household, but the job was stressful, and it didn't become uncommon to see her asleep on the couch after a shift. Maisie was getting closer and closer to going to middle school, frequently going on trips there to ease them into the transition. Jennifer had been at every single one of the girls birthday parties, watching as the youngest member of the family grew up slowly but surely. By all accounts, Maisie was going to be a fun teenager to deal with, though Jennifer supposed Laura was more than ready to deal with it considering her past experience with Peter - it couldn't get more exhausting than that right?

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