Chapter Nine: Ace

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A bit of a backstory before I continue on with the story.
A backstory on Ace and Y/n
(f/hm) - favourite home-cooked meal.

"That was a weak punch, Y/n!" Yumeko stated as she watched the 14 year old hit the log that stood upright in the middle of their yard.

Sweat travelled down her face, her shirt already discarded with only a training bra on as well as her dark pair of  long pants.Her knuckles were bloody, her muscles were sore. But training wasn't over until her master said so.

"Hit harder!"

" Yes Ma'am!"

The log was almost punched in half in its middle, only a few more and it would break apart. The rest of the yard was littered with destroyed logs, it's high walls not allowing anyone from outside to peak through. Y/n let out one last cry before she snapped the thick wood into two. She stood upright from her fighting stance and bowed.

"You're slow today. What's the matter?"

The (h/c) girl looked at the taller woman her eyes meeting chestnut ones. As much as she would consider the woman as her mother-figure, right now she was her teacher. She hesitated for a moment before letting out a soft murmur.

"It's way too hot out, there's a huge storm on the way."

The woman nodded at her statement. She bent down to the short girl's level and grabbed her knuckles. Her eyes lasered over them with her gaze.

"Go get bandages. I've got something for you to do for me."The girl nodded before running to the kitchen to get the medical kit.

The house they lived in wasn't that large, it was enough for them to be comfortable. The kitchen smelt of herbs and spices and the windows were open to let out some of the smell before it got too strong. Y/n neared one of the pots being cooked on the stove and tried to make out what food her aunt was cooking alas she didn't recognise the scent but it was mouth watering.



She grabbed the medical kit and walked back to the backyard, where they designated as a training area. A small pond was situated far at the back. Her eyes caught sight of her aunt lifting up her fingers and making all the wood move back in time to their previous conditions as pillars that were placed all over the yard. She wasn't really sure what her power was but it wasnt time manipulation.'Atleast that's what she tells me'

"Sit down at the bench, I'll be there in a sec,"

The girl followed her order as she watched the older woman rearrange the logs to sit in a neat pile. Their backyard was filled with training equipment.

Wooden swords disguised as brooms. Guns hidden underground in the small garden with little flowers. Well, to them it was. To any normal eye it would seem as though they were preparing for winter.

The woman completed her task and sat beside the girl and grabbed her hands after putting on some gloves. She disinfected Y/n's hands and started wrapping the bandages around her knuckles carefully. The girl barely hissed in pain this time, she was accustomed to the pain of her fists against wood.

"Berry for your thoughts?"

The Y/n looked up at her, her eyes taking in how the few rays of sunlight seemed to make Yumeko's skin shine like gold. Her freckles were barely visible. Just as her own. As far as the older woman could tell her, she knew her middle name, her favourite things to do and the valuable life lessons from her point of view on life.

"Why do you make me train so much?"

"Would you rather I stopped." The woman continued to bandage her right hand, after having finished the left. Her fingers worked carefully, methodically, so as not to cause any further harm.

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