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Mention of blood

The sudden loud crash gained everyone's attention in the hallway and everyone turned around at once wondering what's actually happening.

In the midst of a pile of metal objects that have scattered and littered the hallway is a young boy who seems to be struggling to get back up.

"How dare you? How many time have I warned you to stay the fuck away from my girlfriend?!" One of the guys closest to him yelled angrily.

" I swear, she came to me, I didn't go to her " the poor boy tried to defend himself but he was met with a hard punch to the face and a loud crack was heard. He definitely broke his nose.

"Ethan is so pathetic, what does he mean by Bianca went to him? She's like the prettiest girl in our school, he's such a liar" some people murmured.

"Ok, that's enough babe, leave this piece of trash alone" a girl suddenly came up to them and she's the so-called Bianca.

"No, let me teach him a lesson, how dare he defame you like that?" Replied The guy with such an angry looking face.

"Ricky, enough! I don't want you to get suspended again or dad us really going to make me breakup with you" Bianca yelled and Ricky finally stopped beating up Ethan.

"Shit! Sorry babe, I almost forgot about that" he kicked Ethan aside and went to Bianca like a henpecked husband.

Everyone is disappointed and starts leaving since there's nothing to watch again, that's all for the drama today they guess.

Ethan couldn't even find the strength to move an arm and simply lie there limply on the floor in the middle of the hallway.

He really hoped someone would actually take pity on him and help him to the school infirmary at least but it seems no one's coming to his rescue.

He crawled in hope of getting there somehow. The whole hallway is now empty with no one caring about him, no teacher or staff good around to help him either.

He ended up passing out after crawling for a few more minutes.


"Wake up already" he gasped in shock at the sudden kick to the side and his eyes snapped open within a second.

"He's awake" he heard someone say and he tried to look at who it was but his vision seemed too blurry to make out who it could be, all he knew from the voice and figure was that it's probably a guy.

"Why did we bring him though? We could have killed him and dumped in the river or something, I don't know why we went through the stress of getting him here," the person said.

"Shut up Roland, I told you we need his blood while he's still breathing, how else are we going to finish the ritual?" He heard another voice.

"Yes, someone like him must have a lot of resentment in his soul so his blood is the best for this ritual, don't tell me you won't be resentful if you are bullied all your life even though you are just eighteen " another voice replied sarcastically.

"Don't play with me Roy, and also miss, when can we start the ritual, I don't think this one can last too long with all his broken bones and bleeding wounds" Roland asked .

"The blood moon is in a few hours, clean him up for the ritual and get him into the ritual hall, I don't want anything to go wrong this time" a voice replied, it sounds like a girl's and so familiar too but Ethan couldn't register it properly.

"I will leave now to prepare for the ritual myself, dad doesn't want anything to go wrong, bye for now" the female voice disappeared after a few seconds of this sentence.

Ethan was scared beyond words, what are they talking about? What Ritual? Why do they need him? Is he going to die now ? Is he about to be sacrificed? What about his family? Do they know he's going to die soon? He only has a mother and an older sister as a family, who's going to tell them he's gone or they are just going to blindly wait for him to return home? He really wants to cry right now but even his eyes are too weak to produce any tears. Everything turned blurry again and then pitch black.


"Have you seen Ethan? His school must have closed hours ago but he still isn't home" an elderly lady asked worriedly.

"Mom, Ethan is eighteen, he just informed you this morning he's going to find a good part-time job, maybe he's just looking around for a job, it's just 7:pm, he should be home soon" a lady replied, she seems to be in her early 20s.

"Elena, I'm still worried, I don't know why, I feel like my son is in danger" the woman replied and Elena pulled her into a hug.

"Mom, Ethan is a boy, he's going to be the only man in our family in the future, he just wants to help in some way, ok, how about this, I will personally go out to look for him if he doesn't come back by 9:pm" she said.

"Let's hope I'm just being paranoid, common, you have been away for work since morning too, I prepared some good meal of meat soup" she said and Elena nodded as they both walked into the house.


*Three hours later*

Ethan groaned as he finally woke up again but to a bigger headache, it seems his whole body is being crushed by whatever it is he couldn't see.

"It's happening already, he's awake, get his blood ready" a voice said, it sounds so evil and cold that Ethan shivered from it.

He felt two people holding him and a third person suddenly stab his stomach which caused a loud scream from him.

Then his left wrist was cut open as well, he felt two bowls being placed by the two stab wounds to get his blood.

It's really over now, he's really going to die here. His mom and sister are never going to see him again and he's never going to see them again.

They are probably going to look around for him but won't be able to find even his remains, he's really going to die here, on this cold floor but warm building.

He felt tears streaming down his face, not from the pain he's feeling on his body but from his heart.

He doesn't want to die. He promised to take care of his mom, he promised his sister to be the best little brother ever and take care of her, he promised to be successful so he can take his mom and sister out of poverty. He promised to be a great uncle to his sister's children. Is everything really going to end like that?

He didn't even fulfill one of the many promises he made, he didn't even graduate highschool, he didn't see his results, he didn't know if he passed and could have gone to a great college as he wished, graduate and then become successful, everything is really blurring away slowly as his blood gush out of him.

"That should be enough, get him to the middle of the altar and let's get started" he heard and all his hope was cut.

It's really over now, "mom, Elena, I'm really going to die, I'm sorry I couldn't keep any of my promises, I'm sorry I'm not the best son nor the best brother, neither will I be the best uncle, I'm sorry, I'm going to make you sad again, that's all I've been doing, I'm sorry for being such a burden on you two, I don't want to die before repaying you for all the sleepless nights and overworking yourselves to make sure u get my wounds treated, I'm really sorry for being weak and being a part of your life because I've only made it worse, I hope you live happily after I'm gone, I'm going to miss you two" his thoughts were louder than anyone he could have spoke on that altar if he had the chance but since he didn't, he let his mind speaks everything and accept his fate.


This is chapter one, I hope y'all like it
I wanted to make a character introduction but I decide against it and just go with it like this
I will try to update soon too
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Love y'all 💓💓

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