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*Next morning*

Elena woke up to find herself on the bed in a ward, her first reaction was to sit up which turned out to be a big mistake because of the sudden headache that hit her, she groaned.

Becky had heard this and quickly stood up from where she was sitting, she had spent the night in there with Elena while her brother left for something urgent.

"Are you okay? How are you feeling?" She asked but all Elena did was groan in reply.

It took her a few minutes to finally get herself together and memories of last night came rushing back which caused her to panic.

She quickly stood up "calm down, your condition isn't that good" Becky was quick enough to stop her.

"I can't sit down here, tell Bryan I'm grateful but I need to go look for my brother. What if something bad had happened to him?" She asked and tried to stand up again.

"Bryan was out all night trying to find him, don't worry, he said he would visit after they find him, you need to take care of yourself first or how are you actually going to look for him if you are not even fine yourself?" Becky said reasonably

"But…" Becky cut her short again"no buts, trust my brother, he won't leave a leaf unturned in this city or the entire country if he can't find Ethan, you mean way more to him " she said and all Elena could do was sighed loudly.

There's nothing she could do now, she just hopes Ethan is found, if he's found, she will make sure he never has to go through all this again, he won't go back to that curse of a school either and neither would he go back to finding some stupid part-time job. She won't let him out of her sight .

"Also, your mom called," said Becky all of a sudden. This information worries Elena even more.

"Bryan told her you were at the hospital for a small injury and she asked about Ethan, I had to lie, I told her Ethan's with us and we are going to school together, she tried to talk to him but I hung up after saying we were running late, I hope she's not worrying herself" Becky said .

"Thank you Becky" Elena simply said and took her phone from the table next to her bed to call her mom back.

The phone rang a few times before the woman picked up and her tone was filled with worries when she finally started speaking.

"Mom, don't worry, I'm ok, it was just a small shock when I couldn't find Ethan earlier, I'm ok now…. No, don't come to the hospital, I will be discharged soon, I was asleep for too long …. Yes, you can cook …. I'm fine really….. ok, bye mom" she hung up and sighed sadly.

"It feels so weird and wrong lying to my mom" she sighed and dropped her phone.

Bryan walked in at this moment, he had dark circles under his eyes that were really noticeable even from afar.

He looks gloomy too. "Oh, you are awake" he said and forced himself to give a genuine smile.

"Ehmm… thank you Bryan" Elena said awkwardly and Bryan smiled bitterly.

"About Ethan…." He began, "Have you found him?" Elena asked, her eyes brightened .

"Yes and no, I mean… we found him, we knew where he was…" he was nervous and everyone in the room could see that.

"Was he moved away, is that why you used was ?" Elena tried to smile but she didn't really succeed in that.

"I'm sorry Elena, I really am, we did found him but it was too late, we found an altar very far from that abandoned building and met blood all over the place, the blood was tested and confirmed to be Ethan's, and from the amount, there's a big chance he had been dead since last night" he finally dropped the bombshell on them.

Elena was silent for a while before she started laughing "that's not funny Bryan, don't joke around like that, it's not very nice of you to sign death upon my younger brother" she said in disbelief.

Right there, Bryan suddenly received a call and he put it on speaker out of habit.

"Sir, we found the body, he was stabbed in about 30 different places and his dead body was found in the middle of the sea, we don't know how he didn't sink " a loud gasp helped Bryan out of the trance because of this information.

He turned around quickly and saw Elena gasping for breath while Becky tried to help her up as she was sprawled across the floor .

"Get the body out of the sea and get to the hospital" he hung up and rushed to Elena as well.

"No… no… please no… this can't be… this can't be happening… it's not Ethan, it can't be him… how's that possible… he… he went to school yesterday… he will be graduating high school in two weeks or so… he should be in school… trying to enjoy his last days in high school…. He can't be dead… yes, yes.. he's not dead, my brother is not dead…" she was in a state of shock and denial, she refused to accept this.

She suddenly stood up, shocking the two siblings with her hyper strength. She started walking towards the door.

"I must be trippin, Ethan should be home now, probably sleeping.. or getting scolded by mom for not coming home last night, yes, that sounds more reasonable " she mumbled to herself as she walked.

Bryan really felt like crying seeing the state of the woman he loved and cared for, he couldn't bear seeing her this way but he also knew he can't let her lose like that, she's going to lose her mind if she's allowed to leave this hospital.

So, he did what he knew was right, he stopped her from taking another foot closer to the door and told Becky to get the doctor which the girl rushed out immediately to finish this task.

"What are you doing Bryan, let go of me right now, I need to scold Ethan, how dare he make mom worried?" She yelled trying to free herself from Bryan's tight hold.

"You need to relax, let the doctor check you and make sure you are ok, then I'm going to take you home, ok?" He tried to reassure her but she was not having that as she further struggled to get away.

The doctor finally came in and it seems Becky already told him what's actually going on as he was quick to instruct Bryan to hold her tightly and then he just gave her an injection.

Anesthesia to be precise, she went limp in a few seconds and Bryan carried her to the bed.

"The body should be here soon doctor, please get the professionals to run as many tests as possible on him, I need to know exactly how he ends up like that" he said, his voice dripping with coldness .

The doctor nodded, the hospital is a private hospital  belonging to Bryan's family so he's like the young master here.

The doctor went out after that and Becky stared at her brother "do you think they have something to do with this ?" She suddenly asked.

"I don't know Becky, the Benedict family are not predictable but I don't think they would do this, didn't you say Bianca is in your class, I don't think her father would let his daughter live with the guilt of killing her own classmate" Bryan said.

"We both know how unreasonable they are, they want to be involved with our world like they were a part of it which they are not, they would likely do anything, but I don't want to assume the worst" she sighed.

"The worst has already happened Becky, Ethan is dead " he sighed and sat down while Becky nodded.

"What kind of altar did you guys find ?" She asked "a demon summoning one" he replied casually .

"Damn, whoever did this must be found, humans ain't supposed to be making deals with demons, those stinky creatures are the worst " she grumbled annoyed.

"They got the body, they should be here soon" Bryan checked his phone and said before looking at Elena still passed out on the bed then walked out of the ward with Becky right behind him.

They didn't know but things are really about to turn for the worst.

#133 on spiritual
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Let's hope I can hope even sonner after this
My school schedule is super tight 😅

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