Teacher, Teacher

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"Imagine living with a scream inside you. And the scream is yours. And no one else heard it. That is grief."

Miles P.O.V

Mornings were getting easier to manage. Or at least Miles was quickly becoming better at following his mental checklist to make sure everything was in order.

1. Breakfast for the kids. He had to get up extra early for Reggie. One thing he learned about babies is you work on there schedule not your own.

2. Making sure the twins's had there medications.

3. Homework. Well Miles's was struggling with keeping up with his basic tasks he wouldn't dare let him siblings get behind.

4. If the twins had soccer after school they would need extra clothes and double the snacks. It was crazy how much teenage boys could eat.

After that was the basics. Making sure Willow had both shoes tied. Checking that Damien wasn't to sleepy and forgot pants. Parker was often on top of things. Although he'd have a tendency to get locked up in one of his sketchbooks.

Miles always felt like mornings were dreadfully too fast and too slow. He was feeling more prepared for them now though.

They were still hard: teenage boys rustling about fighting for the bathroom, his baby sister wanting to stick to his side like glue, and his youngest brother blowing out his diaper and getting spit up on his homework.

The usual.

Now his usual.

Willow still hadn't made any friends at school, and Miles could feel her energy shift. Her tantrums in the morning and after school were starting to get worse, and he wasn't quite sure how to navigate them.

Her attachment to him was growing and Miles wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. In reality he had started to cling to her to.

The twins were getting frustrated because Miles seemed to be the only one able to calm her down. This made Miles start to get anxious because he couldn't always be there for her. He wished she would just start speaking again, but he knew he couldn't force her.

Reggie seemed to be used to the daycare routine now. Some days, he was more clingy, but he was starting to get acquainted with it. And that was a blessing in itself.

Most days after school, the twins were busy with soccer practice, and Miles missed spending quality time with them. He also needed to see Lach.

Avery had called him this morning, and they set up a date for Friday. Miles was excited; he missed his beautiful girl. He needed some time to destress with her, and they needed to talk. He hated being on any type of bad terms with her.

He was however grateful that the twins had such an easy time babysitting. He wanted to take more time to surprise Avery. Hopefully them seeing one another more would ease some of the tension that's been created these last couple months.

The bell rang, breaking Miles from his thoughts. He quickly grabbed his backpack, jumping up and out of his chair. He didn't hesitate to head straight for the door.

The first part of his school day was uneventful. He could only prey it would stay that way.

"Miles, can you stay after for a moment," Mr. Toma called out, making Miles cringe. He glanced back over his shoulder at the older male.

The man was leaning against his desk, his expression unreadable. He wasn't sure what Mr. Toma could want.

Truthfully he hadn't paid attention during class. He was tired. He tried to follow along with the pages in the book and the presentation on the screen, but his brain was blank.

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