Chapter 14:A case with no clues can't really be solved

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After following Venti they have arrived in front of a tavern. The tavern had a big decirated sign above the door displaying it's name, Angel's Share.


Venti:Just trust me, okay?

Kumagawa:[Ah, I wanted to visit this place. I heard great reviews all around the Adventurer's Guild.]

Lumine:Well, at least we can have our last drink in the freedom. Kind of ironic, if you think about it.

Venti pushed the door open and strolled inside, the other three following suit. He went straight to a man reading some reports.

The man had long red hair hair tied in a ponytail and crimson eyes. His name was Diluc Ragnvindr.

Venti:Hi, we'd like a seat at your, uhh

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Venti:Hi, we'd like a seat at your, uhh...Least conspicuous table.

Diluc:Umm...The second floor has fewer customers. You'd be less conspicuous up there...But aren't you a bard? Why not sit front and center?

Venti:Hahaha, let's save the paid performance for next time. We'll be heading up now, see you in a bit!

As the four went upstairs Kumagawa could tell that Diluc had some suspicions about them, mostly Venti. He must admit that it was nice to not be the one to be outright labeled as shady from the beggining.

They sat at a table on the second floor, which had only them as of now while Diluc diverted the knights away from their location. Kumagawa snickered when he heard Diluc saying they it would pay been to steal a wine from his cellar rather than the Lyre.

Paimon:Eh? What happened? Why are you laughing.

Kumagawa:[Paimon-chan, it seems we have found a new comarade in bullying Venti-chan.]


Venti:Hehe, you know I'm here, right...

After finishing that little deception Diluc came to their table. Venti was already at the counter messing with the drinks by that point, a position from which he missed the fcat that Diluc just returned.

Venti:Today I think I'll have a glass of...

Diluc:You can put down that bottle you stole from behind the counter.

Venti:...Something cold.

Diluc:Right. I want answers.

Venti:Lemme finish my drink first? I'll pay you. Well, with a performance.

Diluc:It's not about money. You seem too young to be drinking.

Venti:No need to worry. When I started drinking, you were still...

Lumine:How about answering my question first?

Lumine cut in the conversation without any hesitation. She was getting really tired of being left in the dark about all of those things.

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