Chapter 6: What is a pirate, really?

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Having finished their work with the Temples, Kumagawa together with Lumine and Paimon have returned to Monsdat. Lumine wanted to report what happened to Jean, which has brought the three of them to the Knights of Favonius Headquarters.

However, as she was making her way to Jean's office Kumagawa grabbed her shoulder, stopping her in her track. Looking at him confused, she turned her eyes when he pointed at a distressed Kaeya.

Kaeya:...Such a hassle...What am I going to do...

Paimon:What is wrong with Kaeya?

Kumagawa:[Now, as much as I'm excited to see Jean-chan again, her thighs in special, this does seem much more interesting fir the moment.]

Paimon:Should we go see what's up?

Lumine:Yeah, let's go.

The three changed their direction, now walking towards Kaeya. The Cryo user was much thankful at the sight of them.

Kaeya:Oh, thank the Thousand Winds! Your arrival must be the grace of the gods! If I may ask, envoy sent by the Anemo God to save this mere mortal, could you spare a moment?

Paimon:Eww, cut it out!

Kumagawa:[Well, if it's something that we have at our disposal, it's time.]

Lumine:Yeah, what's up?

Kaeya:I cannot let my peers hear about this! I cannot seek help from anyone else but you. Please, let us move to somewhere more fit for such conversations...Let's talk in the courtyard just outside the headquarters. Come with me.

Paimon: What's with the sneakiness...

Lumine:Must be something important.

The three followed his suggestion. Of course, they have split from Kaeya before meeting again in the courtyard to not attract suspicion.

Kaeya:This place will do.

Paimon:Tell us what it's about already!

Kaeya:How should I begin...Oh, right, let me tell you a secret first. It's a secret of my past, and I confide in you to keep it.

Paimon:Don't worry, Paimon's lips are sealed.

Kaeya:As a matter of fact, my grandfather was a pirate!


Kaeya:..Wait, why do you sound so blithe? Do you think I'm making it up? Look at my eye patch! I inherited it from my grandfather and this is solid proof that we are related by blood!

Lumine:I never knew you could inherit eye patches.

Kaeya: My! Lumine, how could you not know such common knowledge! This is no different from children inheriting their hairstyle from their parents!

Kumagawa:[The pirates are mysterious people indeed.]

Lumine:How surprising.

Kaeya:Yesterday I was glancing through the notes my grandfather left and stumbled upon records that spoke of a treasure...


Kaeya:According to his notes, the treasure is buried in the Lost Arcadian Ruins.


Kaeya:But the location of the ruins is currently unknown. I've tried searching for clues...

Paimon:Treasure! Kaeya! What kind of treasure is it? Gold? Or better yet, gems!?

Lumine:Her true intentions are leaking...

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