Chapter 29:Obsessions become boring over time

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The Abyss Mage was very off put by the manic glee on Kumagawa's hand. The others, on the other hand, were used to Kumagawa's sudden mood shifts, so they carried on like nothing was wrong.

Paimon:How did they know about Jean's condition? Choosing this moment to strike is a low blow, even for this lot.

Jean:As long as my name is the Dandelion Knight, I swear I shall not be defeated by such despicable means!

Abyss Mage:Hmm, since this opportunity has slipped away, I shall now be slipping away in a similar fashion...

Jean:Stop! After him...

As the Abyss Mage flyed away into a Domain, Jean tried to catch him. She, however, soon began to cough violently, still weakened by her overwork.

Paimon:Jean, you're still recovering...

Kumagawa:[This makes sense.]


Kumagawa:[Lumine-chan...You remember what Kaeya-chan told us after we dealt with Dvalin-chan?]

Lumine:What he...Oh! You're talking about how there could be spies of the Abyss Order in the city, right?

Jean:I...Was not aware about that.

Lumine:Well, you know Kaeya.

Jean:Doing things behind the shadows at the risk of getting hurt...Yeah, that sounds like Kaeya.

Kumagawa scratched his chin, Kaeya really reminded him of someone...Oh, right. Kaeya reminded him of himself.

Kumagawa:[Anyway, that must be how they know about Jean-chan's condition. That means they really controlled the hilichurls from both the tax and food delivery incidents...]

Lumine:Betting on the fact that Jean would want to deal with it herself despise her condition. Now the Abyss Mage is trying to lure her into a trap...

Jean:No. I must got after him...

Paimon sighed at her words. Jean really was way too stubborn.

Paimon:Jean, you can't keep doing this to yourself. Why can't you trust us to handle it?

Jean:I do trust you...But to let an enemy get away like this would be a major dereliction of duty.

Paimon:Fine, but at least let us go with you.

Jean:Thank you for your understanding. I will graciously accept your help...

The three girls turned their heads when they hard a loud noise. The doors of the Domain laid niw in pieces and Kumagawa was nowhere to be seen.

There were also no screws around or signs he even attempted to forve open the door. It looked like he just ran straight through the door.

Jean:He really was excited to find another one...

Lumine:He dreamnt of it.

Jean:Yes, he's really overjoyed.

Paimon:That's not what she's talking about.


Lumine:I know for sure he dreamnt of it. He talk in his sleep sometimes.

Jean:...What did he...

Lumine:You don't wanna know.

As they expected they found the Domain a mess when they entered. Machinery meant to guard the domain was ripped to shreds, reamains of Cryo slimes were snattered along the place and the walls were decorated with hilichurls crucified by the oversized screws impaled in the bodies of the wild monsters.

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