Chapter 1

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Destiny has a certain way of twisting the life we once thought was normal into something unforeseen.

“I told you to kill it!” Hayley said as she looked exhausted at Ava.

“I know you are exhausted Hayley, but it's not fair of you to be rude. I just got distracted a bit. Besides, we are not all as good as you.” Ava said stubbornly as she crossed her arms.

“Whatever Ava. You know with this war going on, we don't have time to look for this darn Creeper or any other demon for a matter of fact. Every demon that we kill is one less for us to worry about. What I don’t understand is, the more we kill the more they become, or that is how it feels to me.” Hayley said frustrated as she shook her head and started running through the building rubble searching for the Creeper.

“Yeah yeah, leave me behind to fend for myself!” Ava screamed from behind. Ava, clicked her tongue as she ran after Hayley.

A Creeper was one vicious demon. They disguise themselves as humans so it would be easier to get closer to humans and suck out their souls. With extraordinary speed, nasty claws and teeth it makes them hard to kill. They are the ugliest thing one could ever imagine. One scratch from their claws could cause a nasty rip in your flesh. Because of the little venom on the tip of their claws, it takes a seeker longer to heal and would weaken them.

Hayley Harp, age twenty-three, and a seeker. Hayley is gifted with the symbol of strength, speed, courage in combat, stamina, and sight. Her forest green eyes searched her surroundings as her blond long hair which was tied into a pony, whipped through the air as she ran. They were in a small alley surrounded by houses that were burned to the ground, building rubble scattered into piles. The weather was gloomy, with gray clouds covering the sky making the earth darker than it already was. A cold wind blew over Hayley, causing a shiver to run down her spine.

Humans were getting fed up with being killed so they started taking matters into their own hands which only made things worse. Humans started killing their own kind. They did not know how to differentiate between demons and humans. Humans started creating their own communities leaving the big city in ruins. They started killing all unknown things, making it harder for the Seekers to protect them. Seekers were created to protect humans. It was against their law to kill any human even if the humans wanted to kill them. This only made matters more difficult. Seekers were forbidden to get involved in the lives of humans. They were merely to protect them from the demons.

Hayley’s hand gripped the Katar scissors that were attached to her sides as she ran. Hayley fought with two. One Katar had one blade on and the other one had three, which looked like scissors.

“Yeah. He is gone. What a waste!” Hayley said aggravated.

“We can't kill them all in one day, Hayley. We already killed five today!” Ava said as she stopped next to Hayley.

Hayley looked next to her at Ava.

“I know Ava. You know what my father is like. He is getting stricter. Nothing satisfies him. I just want…” Hayley stopped. Her eyes searched the surroundings.

Ava Williams, age twenty-three. Ava is blessed with the symbol of sight, strength, and healing.

Hayley looked at her best friend whose black long hair blew through the wind. Ava's brown eyes stared sadly back at her.

They both wore long leather high-heel boots, leather leggings, and a black t-shirt. This was the seeker’s dress code. They were ranked according to their strength and kills. Red stripes would be attached to their leather jacket shoulder. One stripe would be given when their training was complete combined with their first kill. Two, their first mission was completed, and obtained three kills. Their rank would depend on themselves. The higher their rank the trickier the mission would be.

Hayley had six stripes making her the highest-ranked in her age. Ava had five.

“Hayley, you need to rest. You have been on duty for twenty-four hours. Why do they always send you on the most dangerous missions? I get you are good, but still. If you keep going on like this you will get yourself killed!”

“I volunteered Ava,” Hayley said as she looked away in a daze.


The creeper suddenly appeared behind Ava. She was so deep in their conversation that she didn't noticed it. Hayley's head jerked to Ava. She kicked Ava’s feet out from underneath her and swiftly moved forward. As Ava fell backward, Hayley grabbed the front of Ava’s shirt and shoved her to the side away from the creeper. The creeper launched its claws mid-air where Ava’s head was.

“What the hell Hay…!” Ava screamed but stopped midway upon noticing the Creeper.

Hayley started running to the other side, drawing the Creeper’s attention to her. She jumped against a wall turned herself mid-air, and threw the Katar scissors at the Creeper.

Only Seeker’s blades could kill demons, it was dipped into holy water and made from sapphire crimson iron sand.

The blade sliced through the creeper. Its deafening scream echoed as it fell to the ground. Its black blood paintsed the ground underneath it.

Hayley picked up her Katar, flicked a light onto its body, and watch as it burned.

Hayley looked at Ava with both eyebrows raised.

“YEAH YEAH!!! I KNOW! Stop getting distracted.” Ava said as she threw her hands up while she sat on the ground.

“Get your ass up. Let’s go back!” Hayley said as she looked around her for any more demons.

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