Chapter 30

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Tuesday 17th May
5:00 am

An hour passed and nothing again. I could see the girls getting tired, I've been telling them to go home but no one's tryna hear it until they hear Cassidy's okay.

~ Incoming call Mo💰~

As I see my phone ringing, I tell the girls I'm stepping outside to take the call.

"Talk to me loc."

"You not gonna believe shit man."

I felt myself getting pissed off already.

"What's the word Mo?"

"We ran the license plate and it's belongs to fucking Ricardo Taylor."

"You shitting me?!"

Ricardo was a sketchy ass motherfucker. He was a quick job nigga that took on any quick job to get paid. He was also a rat I couldn't stand his snitching ass and we've beat his ass before. Clearly we didn't do a thorough enough job.

But I'm not understanding what his angle would be in hurting Cassidy. Unless someone hired him and I think I've got an idea I know who.

"Find him. Leave no rock unturned, I want everybody on fucking guard. No one's going home until we find this nigga. I need to know where his mother live, I need to know where his grandmother live, I need to know where his fucking baby moms lay her head at. I need to know his next move before he fucking makes it. If I hear this nigga skipped town, we gonna have a serious problem."

"Say less."

I hang up.

"East, come on, doctors coming out."  Rae came out to tell me.


"Family of Cassidy Jones."

"That's us." I said as a stepped forward with everyone else behind me.

"Miss Cassidy Jones is doing well. Although the car was completely totalled, she came out with only a few scratches and bruises. It was truly an act of God because with the state of the accident she definitely should've had more permanent injures but we thank God she didn't. We want to keep her for abit longer as we are running more tests just to check for any internal bleeding or anything we might've missed. I am also putting her on bed rest until further notice as she'll be sore when she wakes up."

We all collectively let out a breathe of relief.

"Thank you Jesus!" Mamas C yelled. My mother responded by giving her a tight hug.

"Can we see her? You said when she wakes up, she in a coma or something ?" I said still a little uneasy.

"That's correct she's asleep but she's not in coma. She very much aware of her surroundings and can move on her own and freely. It's just dependent on her when she decides to wake up."

I nodded my head taking his words.  "Thank you for all your help doc."

"No worries at all, just doing my job with the help from the man upstairs. Have a good evening ya'll."

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