Chapter 5

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"What in Lucifer's name happened here..."

The red-haired heiress muttered as she inspected the crater caused by the loud explosion earlier this noon with Sona Sitri and Toujou Koneko.

After the explosion happened, they, the heiresses and their peers, immediately teleported to Akeno's place since it was the closest to the explosion site.

While their peers, with the exception of Koneko, assisted Akeno in packing her belongings to move to the clubroom, the heiresses and half-youkai investigated the explosion site but found nothing.

They couldn't sense any demonical power or something similar being used around the area.

Well, except for Koneko since her senses were better than normal devils.

The Nekoshou picked up several devils' smell and a large amount of Naruto's blood in the vicinity.

This concerned her heavily.

'Did...did something happen to Naruto-kun? He was avoiding me earlier at school too...'

"Koneko-chan?" Rias' voice snapped her from her thoughts, causing the Rook to turn at her King. "Did you find anything?"

Now, Koneko was conflicted.

As Rias' Rook, she's obliged to serve the young woman, but as Naruto' friend? girlfriend? she didn't want to involve him in this.

It didn't stop there as neither Rias nor Akeno knew about her being close to Naruto.

She had been keeping their relationship a secret ever since they met years ago and Koneko always made sure that she met him when she had free time and when Rias didn't need her.

Koneko would always go back home in time, telling the girls that she took a nap in a cozy spot all day and when Naruto gave her taiyaki she would always buy more for the King and Queen to avoid suspicion.

The reason?

She was afraid that Naruto would be seduced by the 'boobie monsters' as she called them.

He was hers and that's it!

It all went pretty well until around a month ago, Yuuto Kiba caught her at the rooftop sitting on Naruto's lap getting blissful headpats from her childhood crush.

The Nekoshou threatened that she'd turn Kiba into a girl if he ever told Rias and Akeno about her relationship with the Uzumaki and the Prince wisely complied to her wish.

The Sitri heiress who stood beside Rias noticed the conflicted look on Koneko's face before addressing her.

"As a member of Rias' peerage, you're demanded to answer your King with honesty, Koneko-san."

The Nekoshou narrowed her eyes on Sona.

She hated it when she was reminded about her duty as a member of Rias' peerage.

"...I picked up some devils' smell..."

"And?" Sona pushed urgently hearing that, ignoring Rias' comment not to force Koneko until she decided to tell them.

The half-youkai bit her lips.

"...I also smelled Naru-kun's blood...a lot of it...and another devil's..."

The two heiresses' eyes widened before Sona swiftly regained her composure.

If there were devils coming to Kuoh, they should have reported themselves to either Rias or herself since this territory was under their rule.

Not to mention that Uzumaki Naruto, a human, was involved and the fact that Koneko smelled a lot of his blood could mean something happened to him.

"...Either they were going to forcefully turn Uzumaki-san into a devil or they wanted something from him..." The Sitri heiress looked up to Koneko. "And you said that there's another smell of blood belonging to one of the devils, right?"

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