Chapter 6

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Maximum effort for this chapter! 

And if you didn't know, new story for NarutoxAi was up a few days ago!

Now, enjoy the story! Hope you like it!


It was dawn in Vatican city, a figure with an appearance of an extremely beautiful woman with curly blonde hair and voluptuous figure wearing a long plain dress hugging her body was talking to a young woman with blue pixie cut hair and blue eyes wearing a standard nun attire consisting of long dark blue tunic and white guimpe with a long cross around her neck. In addition, the young woman was wearing blue-framed eyeglasses.

She was reading a piece of paper the voluptuous blonde handed to her and the young woman's eyes widened slightly reading where the church would be reopened and who would be the overseer in that town.

The blue-haired woman looked up at her higher-up as she adjusted her eyeglasses, an impassive look plastered on her face, not amused with what she read.

"Lady Gabriel, is this a joke?"

The blonde-haired woman called Gabriel smiled kindly at the small outburst the young woman had.

"No, it isn't." She said calmly. "Last night, Yasaka-dono sent a messenger to one of us stationed in Kyoto saying it was an urgent matter. Naru-chan wants to reopen the church at Kuoh and since the town is originally 'rented' to the devils and if a human wants to open a church, the devil couldn't say and do anything about it."

The young woman's hands shook as she re-read the paper.

She couldn't believe that her childhood friend she made some time ago would join the church...well, not exactly join since it wasn't stated anywhere that he would become one of God's followers, only reopening the church.

Her bloodlust rose.

She wanted to break him.

She wanted to stab him.

She wanted to kill–


Her head snapped up at Gabriel's voice calling her name.

She noticed the woman frowning at her.

"...did I...?"

Gabriel nodded her head sadly.

"You mustn't let your impulses control you, Elesia..."

The young woman nodded before closing her eyes.

She took a deep breath and the visions of the past started playing in her mind.


"Hey, Elesia, do you ever think about what you want to do when you grow up?" A young boy with blonde hair and whiskered cheeks asked as he sat down beside the young girl.

"I...I want to help people...but I don't know if I can..." The girl answered. 'Not without this dark feeling that I have...'

Her eyes darted to her friend and a small voice was telling her to strangle him.

Stab him with a knife.

"Hmm~ I think you can do it, Elesia, I mean, you're strong and kind!" His answer snapped her out of her trance. "I bet if things like vampires and others are real, you'll kill them all and save so many people!"

Looking at the boy, Elesia smiled, a mix of gratitude and sadness on her face.

"Thank you, Naruto-kun, that means a lot to me."

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