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Tsukasa's POV:

I don't know what to do... whether I should go missing or just end myself... even if it's sitting right here in the palm of my hand, I don't even know if it's real and yet it is because I still have the CVS receipt of the pregnancy test I just finished taking

I want to strangle Rui so badly- a star like me could get away with it... maybe I could frame Nene for murder considering how irritable she is


I don't know who to break the news to first, my family? Maybe I should just keep it a secret first...


Someone suddenly knocked on the bathroom door, which startled the blonde.

"Oh shit- uhm... who is it?" Tsukasa called out to the person on the other side of the bathroom door in a over the top feminine voice.

"Uh... your younger sister? Can you hurry up, I kind of need to pee... really badly." Saki's voice could be heard from the other side of the wooden door.

'Shit- what do I say?! Uh! Shit, yeah shit!' Tsukasa panicked and just blurted out, "Ah..! You'll have to use the other one because I'm taking a shit"

"But..! I also need to shower and this is our bathroom! The other one is a half bath one!" Saki whined, before finally sighing in defeat and walking off.

Tsukasa breathes a sigh of relief and starts thinking over his options, 'so what now? Do I tell Rui? Should I invite him and his family together for dinner to tell them the news? I know Saki will be there for me... but what about everyone else?! The worst that could happen is I'll be disowned and never achieve my goal of being a star... wait that's actually a lot of things on the line what the fuck!?'

"Tsukasa? Hurry up in there, your sister needs to shower so she doesn't stink!" Tsukasa's mother knocked on the door and spoke in a stern yet soft tone. She's the type of woman to put her kids in time out instead of whipping ass with the flip flop.

Tsukasa was scared, even when spoken to in a soothing voice by his own mom. He could've pissed himself if he hadn't just taken the pregnancy test. The boy eventually got a grip, took in a deep breath and reluctantly opened the door slowly.... (a snail was faster the fuck man) He spoke in a shaky voice, "Uh c-could we... have a f-family meeting? I-I have something t-to say to both o-our family and Rui's..."

The older woman gave a confused yet gentle look as she saw how nervous her oldest child looked while requesting that they have a family meeting, but it warmed her heart that her child's boyfriend has become a part of their family and after some thinking, she nods in approval.
Tsukasa's POV (again yippie):

My whole body was shaking as I sat right beside my annoying, weird yet hot boyfriend Rui Kamishiro. He was rubbing my back in a comforting way, noticing how different my demeanor was now from my usual one.

"Are you doing alright, darling?" Rui asked in a low voice, so only his partner could hear him ask that question. "Y-yeah I'm fine..." I replied in a shaky voice, it was nerve-wrecking to have all eyes on me which is ironic since I usually enjoy having everyone's attention. Maybe that's why Nene's has called me an attention whore before... but that's irrelevant!

'Deep breaths Tsukasa, you can do this!!!' But then I suddenly felt sick to my stomach and felt the urge to project vomit everywhere in front of everyone, so I quickly got up to my feet and rushed into the nearest bathroom.


Rui, being the worried boyfriend he is, followed after Tsukasa with a concerned expression. The last time he saw the star feeling that sick was after launching him ten meters into the air for the first time for an experiment.

As Tsukasa vomited a little over dramatically into the toilet, Rui was rubbing his back still and held some of his blonde hair back as the boy was puking. "Hey... what's wrong? Are you okay, you can talk to me my star." Rui said calmly and reassuringly.

"Rui, can you please shut the fuck up... I'm trying to vomit over here!" The smaller boy hissed, before returning to the unpleasant vomiting. "Damn, I'm sorry... I just wanted you to know that I'm here for you." Rui sounded confused by his boyfriend's sudden mood swing.

Tsukasa sighed and lightly slapped Rui's hand away from his back, "I'm fine, you should head back to the living room and I'll come back when I'm ready..." Rui sighed as well and gave the star a brief kiss on his puke covered lips (ew wtf dude) and he left the bathroom with a "I love you..." To which the star rolled his eyes and resumed his puking.


fter Tsukasa collected himself and cleaned up, he exited the bathroom and returned to the living room where everyone was still waiting with curiosity. Instead of sitting down by Rui though, the star was standing up in front of everyone who looked on with either confused or even nervous looks.

Tsukasa took one final breath before slowly and I mean slowly holding up the pregnancy test, clenching it tightly in his small, dainty hand. "I-I just wanted t-to let everyone k-know that... I-I'm pregnant and R-Rui's the father..!" He announced in a fearful voice before suddenly breaking down and falling to his knees with tears in his amber eyes.

Both Tsukasa's and Rui's mother rushed to comfort the boy, giving him a tight hug. The father's just sat there, not knowing how exactly to react. Rui sat there in silence with his mouth agape, loads of thoughts were passing through his head in that moment such as 'Tsukasa's pregnant?! I'm gonna be a dad?! He has a pussy?!' Saki on the other hand.. ooh mama she was ready to kick some Rui ass if he even thought about abandoning Tsukasa and the baby, if he's even keeping it anyway...

~ 1044 words ~


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