☆The revelation☆

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Third person POV:

"I can't believe you never realized I had a pussy before..." Tsukasa began bitterly as he and Rui were being driven to the hospital for a last minute appointment.

"Well... yeah, I mean how was I supposed to know that you had a pussy when we always fucked in the dark?" Rui said in an attempt to defend himself. "How did you not notice how wet It'd get..?!"

"I just assumed you already used some lube or something-" Rui was then cut off by a slightly uncomfortable Saki, who was in the passenger seat of the car. "...uhm guys, I'm still here you know..."

"But you would literally eat me out, how did you think I still had a dick after that..?!" Tsukasa sighed, unintentionally ignoring what Saki had said about existing. "Oh well... uh... I just never felt the urge to-" "you've literally rubbed my clit before!" Tsukasa cut him off this time, instead of the younger Tenma sibling.

Rui just fell quiet after that, not having anymore dumbass excuses and it was obvious that his inexperienced self was kind of oblivious to these kind of things.

"Jeez I'm sorry I knocked you up, atleast we'll be having a baby together though." Rui spoke in a somewhat sarcastic tone, maybe he was joking...

"You're sorry? I have to carry our child for nine whole months, deal with all the symptoms, stop doing our shows, skip out on school, shove our baby out of my cunt and be a teen mom, but oh no it's okay! Atleast you're sorry..!" Tsukasa ranted, he knew he was over reacting a little but who could blame him? It was hard enough that he'll have to put up with everything he mentioned and now the star has to worry about whether Rui will take this whole father role seriously or not.

The car ride to the hospital remained silent for the most part after that, it was extremely awkward for Saki and their mother. Luckily it didn't take too long to arrive since they pretty much yapped the whole way there.

Once they made it there it also didn't take too long for them to get checked in and before they knew it, the doctor was ready to see Tsukasa and give him a ultrasound.

"Alright, so this is going to be really cold..." The doctor warned as he began putting the gel on Tsukasa's stomach, which made the blonde whine a little from how cold it felt to the touch. Rui was trying to be a good boyfriend and comfort him, but the star swatted him away like a fly or mosquito.

Instead Tsukasa's held onto his mama's hand and used the other one to hold onto Saki's, so Rui didn't get anything. When the doctor used the ultrasound wand, an unclear image formed on the monitor and even with how blurred it was, the doctor was able to spot the fertilized egg within the blonde's womb that would develop into a baby over the course of nine months.

In the end it was officially confirmed that Tsukasa was pregnant and with Rui's child at that. They left the clinic with photos of the ultrasound, most likely to add into some cheesy photo album to embarrass their child with in the future.

(Timeskip to the 2nd trimester :3...)

Tsukasa's POV:

I'm about five to six months in my pregnancy so far... and it's honestly not as horrific as I imagined it'd be. Sure the whole 'being a teen mom' thing still sucked, but Rui's been trying to make it up to me since we found out and it's kind of cute seeing him take good care of me...

My room is already filled with some things we'll need for the baby, like the crib and a place to change their diapers, we got these items as gifts from the baby shower we had a couple months ago. Speaking of the baby, we still don't know their gender yet and Saki took the liberty of throwing me and Rui a gender reveal party. She got my maternity doctor to tell her my baby's gender without me even realizing it.

"Tsukasa-kun? Are you ready for the party, everyone is waiting on us outside." Rui knocked on my door, but he already knew his lover was ready since his bedroom didn't even have walls for any privacy. It must be because the star is an attention whore even in his own house.

"Uh... yeah, hold up..." I responded a little nervously, the baby shower we had was a private event between our two families but this gender reveal party was going to have our friends too... I think we only told Toya, Emu and Nene, but besides them none of our other friends know.

I opened up my bedroom door, just to see Rui standing in my doorway towering over me as usual. I hope the baby isn't as big as him or else I'm going to suffer while giving birth... "...hey, it's okay to be nervous my star" Rui's words brought me out of thoughts as he brought me into a comforting embrace, this time instead of slapping him I let my boyfriend rub my back in a soothing manner.

It must be the pregnancy hormones because no matter how much I try to act like a tsundere sometimes I get all needy and affectionate with Rui...

Rui pressed a soft kiss onto my cheek and whispered into my ear in a gentle voice, "...are you ready to leave?" "Mhm..." I couldn't help but wrap my arms around him in a clingy way and I gave him this look he knew all too well.

Rui just chuckled and carefully lifted me up into his arms, he struggled a little at first but successfully carried me like a princess all the way down the stairs. I was kind of impressed, since I've put on a 'couple' pounds from being pregnant and sure, he's lean but not exactly the most muscular.
~1009 words~


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