☆wtf fluff?!(NO CLICK BAIT)☆

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Tsukasa hummed a WxS song softly to himself as he was folding the laundry, Saki and Mizuki went on a intense shopping spree for baby clothes. It was so scary that it gave past black Friday shoppers ptsd, Mizuki even drop kicked a pregnant woman for some cute socks.

Was it worth it?



Suddenly, a pair of cold hands wrapped around the blonde's waist which caused a gasp to escape from the blonde, he almost used some self defense to slap that absolute fuck of who grabbed onto him, but thankfully Rui grabbed his wrist in time. "It's just me..!" "Oh... sorry, your cold hands startled me"

"Fufufu~ it's okay..." Rui's voice trailed off as his other hand traveled down towards Tsukasa's baby bump, gently caressing it in a loving manner. "I love you guys... I wanna snuggle!" (Saiki ref?!?)

"Uhm... okay then! But only if you help with the laundry!" Tsukasa proposed as he tossed a pair of his lacey panties at his boyfriend's face. "Anything for you, my dear star~" Rui smiled as he tried folding the panties as neatly as possible, but he couldn't stop his not so innocent thoughts since he lowkey remembered all those times Tsukasa has worn them.

"I think... you need to work on your folding skills..." The star said as he looked at the bundled up clothes compared to the properly folded ones. "But isn't it easier and faster to just put it away the way it is?" Tsukasa looked flabbergasted, did this man know anything about clothes??? "That's how your clothes get too many wrinkles in it..." The blonde then glanced down at Rui's shirt that said 'I ♡ milfs', it had lots of wrinkles in it... a clear sign to touch grass every now and then.

Rui shrugged his shoulders, not really caring about his appearance when he was already dating the most out of this world, spectacular, talented, kind, beautiful star ever. So he just assumed it didn't matter if his clothes were wrinkled or not.

Tsukasa just snatched the clothes out of Rui's hands. "You know what? I'll just fold these for you instead..." this caught the inventor by surprise, but he immediately went along with it. (Nah bro whipped) "...so are you craving anything right now? I could go fix something up for you~" Rui offered, but Tsukasa didn't want to know what concoction of ingredients would create in the kitchen... so he stuck to something simple that he was craving...

"Uhm... I'll just take some apple slices and peanut butter..." The star said with a soft smile, that made Rui's heart flutter. "Okie dokie then..!" He pressed a kiss onto Tsukasa's cheek, before leaving to go whip up a snack for his pregnant boyfriend.

Rui was busy cutting the apples downstairs in the kitchen, but being his usual careless self, he ended up cutting his finger. This caused him to wince slightly, but he had a pretty nonchalant reaction to the small injury and it was most likely because of all the accidents that have occurred with his robotics.

Tsukasa finished doing the laundry, once he fixed the abomination Rui called folded clothes, and headed downstairs as well... just to be greeted by his lover, who was holding a plate of apple slices and peanut butter... with a bloody finger.

The star gasped at the horrific sight before him and immediately rushed up to Rui. "What happened?! Did you cut your finger?! Are you ok, Rui?!" Tsukasa panicked at the sight, tears brimming in his eyes as he looked at the tiniest fucking cut in the world. A single drop of blood spilled from the awful wound that wasn't as bad as having a splinter or paper cut.

Tsukasa took the plate out of Rui's hands, before the inventor got the chance to say anything, and quickly embraced him. "...It's going to be okay, alright!? I'm going to go get you a bandaid!" The blonde was clearly overreacting and Rui would've reassured him, but he found it too cute that the star was on the brink of a panic attack over something as small as his cut.

"Stay here..!" Tsukasa forced Rui down to sit on his ass on the couch, before rushing off. He came back with a whole ass medkit, getting a bandaid and rubbing alcohol out of it, which wasn't a pleasant sight... "Ah... I don't think it's that serious, Tsukasa-kun..." "yes it is, every wound should be disinfected!" Tsukasa retorted as he poured some rubbing alcohol onto a cotton ball and applied the alcohol to Rui's small ass cut, which caused him to let out low whimpers of pain.

Tsukasa made sure to kiss Rui on the forehead as a way to comfort him while he cleaned the wound, maybe a little too aggressively, before putting the bandaid onto his boyfriend's finger. The bandaid had little stars on it, of course. "...shouldn't you kiss my boo boo too?" The star sighed, knowing he couldn't refuse such a request and gently kissed Rui's finger.
The couple were cuddling eachother as they ate the apple slices (w/ peanut butter) on the couch, watching a random musical. (NOT highschool musical... maybe some shit like Hamilton or Mean Girls instead)

Once it was over and the credits were playing, it was pretty quiet and Tsukasa had a lot on his mind, before suddenly feeling the need to open up to Rui about some of his concerns. "Rui..? I don't know If I can take care of this baby..." The star said quietly, a full 180 from his usual boisterous self. "Huh? What are you talking about Tsukasa-kun, I think you're fully capable of raising our child."

Those last two words really stuck with Tsukasa, 'our child', it reminded the star that he wasn't going to be dealing with this alone... even if he still had some worries and insecurities about the whole teen pregnancy thing. "...you really think so?" "Yeah... I know so, you're responsible and already act like a mom sometimes." This caused a slight smile to tug at Tsukasa's lips. "Ah... you're right, when we're together... we can do anything!"




~1034 words~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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