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This is what the goobers think the gender of the baby is gonna be :)

~The Tenma siblings :3~


"I know the baby's gender, I may or may have not blackmailed the doctor for the information."


"I think the baby is going to be a boy, even though Akito thinks otherwise..."


"I don't really care... uhm... maybe it's going to be a girl. Mizuki, Ena and Mafuyu dragged me out of my room for this... they say I need to get out of my room more often."

~The besties~


"I think It's going to be a boy that goes by they/them pronouns, but I don't care as long as I get to dress them up~!"


"Wonderhoy!!! I think the baby is either going to be a nonbinary, girl or a twig! Yippie!"


"I think those disgusting, freaky fruit rollups are going to have a boy..."

~Tenma siblings plus ones~


"I think it's going to be a girl! Toya doesn't know what he's talking about, I totally know about these things- what's a tampon again?"

*take two for this man...*

"I'ma separate the creature from Kamishiro, I think I could be a better dad than him. I still can't believe Tsukasa is pregnant, It's probably real life mpreg-"


"I don't really care, I think it's going to be a girl or whatever- Shizuku dragged me here against my will..."



~the other guests(some weren't invited)~


"I think... It's going to be a boy! I have money on this, I think Toya is right and Akito is going to owe me a fortune."


"I-I'm kinda just here for the cake honestly, but An told me to say It's going to be a boy so I'll just go with that..!"


"It's so nice to see that Tsukasa-kun is going to be having a baby! I'm so happy for them... oh uh... I think it's going to be a girl!"


"I'm betting with An on this one, so I think it's going to be a boy too..! Akito is going down!"


"I'm glad I got Kanade out of her room for once, but I'm mainly just here to see if my bet against Akito is gonna win..."

*Haruka and Minori couldn't make It since they were on a wholesome double date with Honami and Ichika*


Third person POV:

The two lovers made their down the steps of the stairs and Rui was struggling a little to carry his pregnant boyfriend, since the star had gained some from the beginning of his pregnancy.

The purple-haired director eventually set Tsukasa down on the couch downstairs and panted heavily with his hands on his knees, while Mizuki patted his back with a laugh.

Saki was excited, she made sure to get a cake and the poppers ready for the couple. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Kohane drooling over the cake but she ignored that since An kept her away from the desert.

Tsukasa's hands were shaking as he was handed the kitchen knife to cut the cake, he thought about stabbing Rui but decided to be nice... for today. His boyfriend gladly put his hand over the blonde's as they prepared to cut the cake together like you do at a wedding.

The knife sliced into the scrumptious looking cake and when they pulled the knife out of it, blue frosting covered the knife. That's when Akito almost had a mental breakdown, because he had like five people yelling 'I told you so!' At him. Saki and Toya used the poppers,  shooting blue confetti at the couple.

And that's how Tsukasa and Rui found out they were having a baby boy..! And how Akito lost half of his life savings...

The two lovers were more than excited, they both didn't care for the gender but it was still a nice surprise to know and so they didn't give a fuck but then gave a fuck anyway.

Kohane lunged at the cake and devoured the whole thing faster than Patrick Star could, of course she ate it like a hamster though so it was too cute of a sight to be upset about it.

Unfortunately that only worked on An and everything shot a disapproving or annoyed look over at the girl with pigtails. The two girls ended up cleaning the mess together to make it up to everyone.

The rest of the party went smoothly, except for Akito. The ginger sobbed in the corner of the living room and Toya would've comforted him- he really would've! But he was too busy distributing all the bills over to the other betters.

Tsukasa and Rui were in their own little world though, cuddling on the couch. "Fufufu~ when you're born, we're going to have so much together~!" Rui cooed as rested his head against Tsukasa's now more prominent baby bump, talking to his unborn child.

The star rolled his eyes at this and fought back a smile, but then the baby kicked right where Rui was resting his head which almost scared the shit of the inventor. "Ha! He's probably going to be a mama's boy!" Tsukasa proudly declared as he felt over his own stomach, while Rui stared at the blonde's round baby bump.

Before he could come up with a witty response, Nene and Emu approached Rui with two very different expressions. Emu looked overjoyed, while Nene looked mortified and disgusted. "I'm so happy for you-" "I can't believe you got knocked up by Rui..." Nene's disappointed voice spoke over Emu's cheerful one. "Nene-chan! You promised me to be nice to them!"

Nene just huffed, remembering the half assed promise she made to the pink haired girl by her side. "Fine..." "Awh thank you! ...I guess!" Tsukasa looked towards Nene's direction as he said that last part, while Rui just smirked.

"Rui... I'm kind of scared." Tsukasa admitted to his boyfriend, the party was over and they were laying in his bed together. Rui was spooning his pregnant lover from behind, with his chin on top of Tsukasa's head. "Of what, my star?"

"The pregnancy, dumbass! Don't tell me you forgot that I'll be a teen mom!" The blonde snapped, though he didn't mean to get frustrated all of a sudden. Those darn pregnancy hormones and mood swings..! Rui didn't seem to mind though, he's always been the patient, laid back kind of guy. "Right, there's no need to be afraid though... I'll support you and the baby the best I can."

Rui pressed a kiss onto Tsukasa's head, which caused a light blush to creep onto the star's face. "How am I going to do this though, I'll be I'm school and doing shows all while raising a child to top it all off..!" Tsukasa then thought about Rui said about how he'll be there to help. 'I guess I can trust Rui to help...' the blonde thought to himself in silence.

Rui's dumbass just fell asleep, snuggled up against Tsukasa and that lowkey pissed him off but he could just beat his ass in the morning, so he closed his eyes and just fell asleep in his boyfriend's arms instead that night.
cowriter-justasadwriter69 justasadwriter69
~1216 words~

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