☆damn where's the milk☆

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Rui's POV:

My boyfriend's words just seemed to echoe throughout my mind, I had only two thoughts at the moment. The first one being... my boyfriend is pregnant?! And the second one being, damn I don't think we have any milk in the fridge...

But I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I saw the star fall to his knees in tears, like a shooting star, as both my mom and his comforted him. It was a lot to take in, but for now I should focus on how the fuck I got my boyfriend pregnant in the first place...

I approached Tsukasa from behind and kneeled down beside him, I was about to open my mouth to say 'hey, it's going to be okay' but I was quickly cut off by my lover's fist punching me in the face as he yelled, "...t-this is all your fault, Rui!"

'Ouch... but damn why was that kind of... hot?' I quickly was brought out of my thoughts once again by a sharp slap, I guess I deserved it for getting horny during such a serious time like this.

"Tsukasa... could we maybe talk in private, please?" I asked, putting on my best puppy-dog look that looked like more like a dying stray from the streets and yet it somehow worked on the blonde twink.

Tsukasa nodded and got off the living room floor and took me to the pantry of his kitchen for our private conversation, not his bedroom, not the bathroom, but the pantry... oh well!

Tsukasa just stood there in silence, avoiding eye contact with Rui, who was practically towering over him due to his really tall height. His eyes are red and puffy, so he didn't want his boyfriend to see him like this.

Rui let out the deepest of sighs ever and then awkwardly cleared his throat, "so... Tsukasa-kun, could you please explain to me how you're pregnant? The last time I checked, you had a dick instead of a pussy..." Tsukasa gasped, clearly offended by Rui's dumbass misunderstanding and slapped him yet again.

"Y-You dumbass! I've always had a 'pussy', I'd always tell you pull out but you never listened! I told you to wear protection but then you'd 'forget' or just say you wanted to 'feel' all of me..!" The star protested, but even with his mouth agape at first Rui really had the audacity to say 'nuh uh'... "I've fucked you multiple times, in the school bathroom, on the rooftop, in your room, in my room and even the Sekai, but I never saw a pussy. So show me then..!"

Tsukasa rolled his eyes and pulled down his pants and lacy panties (they even had a little bow on the front) by the hem, just to reveal that he did indeed have a cunt, a pretty pussy at that. (If they can be cute like that ig)

Rui's jaw dropped for like the third time that evening, how did he never notice this about his beloved boyfriend. "W-What? Since when has that been there..?!" The inventor questioned the smaller boy before him.

The star just glared at him like he was about to slap him again, but just sighed and gave an annoyed response. "Since birth, you idiot! I'm surprised it took you this long to realize that..." Rui was ready to come up with a lame ass excuse when suddenly the door to the pantry opened up.

Saki had opened the door, not just because she wanted a snack, but because she came to bring the couple back to the living room. "Are you guys done arguing in here..?! Just get out already, mom's gonna take you two to the hospital for an ultrasound."

"Wha-?! So soon, but I just found out that I'm pregnant, isn't it too early for an ultrasound..?" Tsukasa asked out of confusion, but his younger sister just ignored his question and dragged him and Rui out of the pantry.

Saki was sat in the passenger seat of the car, since she quickly called shot gun before anyone else could, while their mother was driving the three others to the hospital. Rui and Tsukasa awkwardly sat beside eachother in the back, the star was facing away from Rui with a pout (clearly still mad at him).

The only reason mama Tenma was able to schedule an appointment so quickly that very same day is because of how well she knows the hospital staff because of Saki's health in the past and also because they're wealthy like that.

Damn... but where was that milk though???
~774 words~


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