Chapter 16 Shanes POV

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"Hurry up Chantelle, we have to leave in an hour!" I shouted to my wife.

"I'm coming I'm coming!" She snapped back at me. "God, don't you have any patience?"

I walked up closer to her. "honey, if I had no patience you would be dead by now! So stop f****** complaining, and get ready!"

Her eyes went sad as she walked away into her room. I did try and kill her once, and I even thought she was dead, until I brought her body back to bury it and realised that she was still alive. Than she promised me she would keep her mouth shut if I let her live. so I spared her.
"I'm waiting in the car!" I shouted out to Chantelle. "I'll be there in a sec!" I herd her shout back. I softly groaned and looked down, near the driveway, in the room where I kept my girls.

I really needed another girl to replace kelly. I also had to get rid of kelly because, she new the big secret that only now Stephane knows and I know Stephane won't tell Analea.

Chantelle finally ran out the front door with all bags in her hand. "It's about time!" I shouted.

I start reversing out of the driveway. even if the girls wanted to escape they wouldn't be able too. I know that Stephane wouldn't want to but even if Analea tries, than I'm sure Stephane will stop her.
Analeas POV

Today was the day that Shane said he would be gone, which meant today was my day to try and escape. I decided to sneak out when Stephane was sleeping. But because I didn't know what time he was leaving, I was going to leave later tonight.

It seemed like it was around 9:30 but I wasn't to sure. since I didn't eat that much down here, if I tried I was sure that I would be able to fit through the kind of bared door way.

While I was waiting for tonight, and for Stephane to go to sleep, I'm was going to think of my plan. I knew that Stephane would never do this with me and try to escape but that didn't stop me from trying.

I pictured the plan in my mind. I was going to somehow try and get through both of the cellar doors. after I did that I would sneak into his house, although he probably lived alone, I still had to be careful. I would try and find something against him or a map of where we are or anything like that and than just run down his driveway and try and make my way home.

But there was still something that I was afraid of. maybe he told us that he wouldn't be here to lure us out so he can kill us or something. But I decided I was going to take the risk.

I had a 50, 50 chance of getting out of here alive, or not making it out at all!
Shane's POV

I sped along the highway and tried to dodge all the traffic. we had until tomorrow to get to the resort I was staying at. I was staying at some stupid work resort thing. I usually don't go to these type of things but I don't want to risk loosing my job over it.

Tonight, me and Chantelle were going to stay at a random hotel for the night, unless we end up making it to the resort tonight, which I highly doubt.

"Hey can I ask you something?" Chantelle said as she turned her head from looking out if the window to face me. "What do you want!" I demand. "I want to know why you won't tell Analea the truth. I mean you told Stephane." she said calmly.

"I didn't tell Stephane! She found out! Anyway why do you care?" I said more irritated now.

"I just want to know. I mean you keep treating Stephane like she is the queen and treating Analea like you treated kelly when she first came here. you know kelly never really mattered to us, but Analea, Stephane, they do."

I slowed the car down. "Do you want me to throw you out, because I don't have a problem with doing that. But what I do have a problem with is you questioning how I do things! I run things here! Not you! So don't question kelly don't question how I treat my girls and certainly, do not question me on telling Analea the Secret!" I said before taking a long, deep, breath.

Chantelle sighed. "fine, whatever."

I looked at the time. it was already 3:15, which meant that, we had been driving for around 6 hours or so.
Analeas POV

I could tell that it was getting later in the day. Stephane usually went to bed early, which was good for me, especially tonight.

Stephane was in the shower and I was just sitting up against the wall, like I always did.

I looked over at Stephane's drawer. I wondered if she was going to tell me that secret or whatever, but she probably wouldn't.

I really miss kelly. I actually had a chance of  getting kelly to try and get out of here with me, but with Stephane, no. she would never try and get out of here I thought to myself.

Stephane went to sleep about half an hour ago and I've prepared myself for what I'm about to experience.

I took a deep breath and walked over to the door. The door that he would bash open and hit us, or give us filthy food. Tonight was my chance to get out of here.

I pulled my bobby pin out of my hair and put it through the lock. When I used to go to scouts they taught us how to pick locks and things like that.

It took me a while but finally, I herd the clicking sound in the lock. I pulled the door open and stared up the pitch black stair way.

I slowly took a step on the first stair. It creaked loudly and I flinched at the noise. I took another two steps before tears started running down my face. I remember when he threw me down here. How he pulled me down these exact stairs and pushed me into that horrible room, with the fresh smell of blood.

I tightly closed my eyes and began going up more steps. They continued creaking but I just tried to block all of it out. Everything out. I didn't want to be here, and I didn't want to do this, but if I can make it out of here alive, this risk will be worth it.

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