Chapter 14 Analeas POV

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I woke up and walked over to the old bathroom. it seemed like it was early, probably around 5:30am or something, and I decided I would wake up early so kelly and Stephane wouldn't see and try and search this place from top to bottom to see if there was anything that would be able to help me escape.

So far, I've been in this horrible place for around 3 and a half weeks or so, and I haven't even been beaten yet.

I'm really surprised although but I'm not complaining. He hasn't been beating anyone of us much. A couple of times he beats Stephane and sometimes hits kelly, but hasn't hurt me yet.

I walked out of the bathroom and went into where kelly and Stephane were sleeping next to each other. Kelly has gotten really really sick. spewing, constant coughing fits, dizzy head aches, and even some panic attacks, but I think the panic attacks are from all the sickness and depression she's going through.

Me and Stephane are doing everything we can to help her but Shane won't give us any sickness tablets or anything which makes it worse. yesterday we got Stephane (because we figure she's his favourite) to go up to him and ask for some panadol, but that didn't turn out so well. He got really mad and refused to give her any panadol.

He hasn't come down here much. He only comes down when he had to give us food. I tiptoed around kelly and Stephane to the place where our drawers were.

I slowly opened the drawers and looked through them. There was nothing but old sheets for sleeping and our clothes that we were expected to wear.

I looked through Kelly's, mine, and the spare one and than slowly opened Stephane's drawer. I quickly just pushed my hands through all the sheets not really having a good look. I figured that because there was nothing in mine and Kelly's that there would be nothing in Stephane's.

I pushed my hand all the way to the bottom and felt my way around. Just when I was about to shut the drawer I found a little light blue pouch. it had white and red flowers on it and wasn't any longer than pen.

I stared in disbelief. What could she possibly have in here that Shane wouldn't care about. I mean he takes everything off the girls he throws in here before they end up in here.

I took a deep breath. it wouldn't hurt if I just looked at it and than put it strait back, right.

"You shouldn't be sticky beaking at things that arn't yours!" I hear Stephane's voice behind me say in a firm voice.

"Oh um I'm- I'm sorry." I said embarrassed, as I put the pouch back at the bottom of Stephane's drawer.

"Hmm so your not the shy teenage girl people make you out to be, are you?" Stephane asked me smartly.

"Um- look Steph I'm super sorry I was just..." I tried thinking of what to say but my mind went blank. It's basically like when your doing an exam and you've memorised all the answers, but when when it comes to doing the exam you forget them.

"Um I was getting something out of my drawer and than I. Um, -and than...."

"Uhhh! just listening to you try and come up with an excuse is something that I'm not in the mood for doing right now." Stephane said as she stood up from the hard floor.

I stood up from the drawers and walked into the bathroom. I could maybe break something in here and than when he comes down here to feed us I could hurt him in some way, I thought to myself.

I wondered what was in that pouch thing in Stephane's drawer. It's probably just some personal appliance she needs like deodorant or something.

I decided I was going to have a nice hot shower to get my mind off things. I stripped off my clothes and walked into the shower. I turned on the burning water and sat on the cold tiles. I let the hot water run over my sore body. I was pretty much used to sleeping on the hard floor now and waking up with aching muscles all over my body.

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