Darkness Rising Part 1

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Ava laughed at her younger brother's excited shouting from the other side of the phone. She held the device to her ear as she began packing her car.

"Calm down, Raf." She chuckled. "You might bust someone's ear drums with how loud you're being."

"I haven't seen you in forever!" Her brother exclaimed.

"It's barely been a year." Ava told him. She picked up the suitcase and heaved it into her backseat. "Alright, I've got to go now but I'll... pick you up after school?"

"Can you pick me up under the bridge a couple of miles away?" Raf asked.

Ava paused and furrowed her eyebrows. "What are you going to do a couple of miles away?"

"Car racing." He told her. There was a moment of silence, questions in the air. "Toy car." He corrected.

"Ah." She said. "Well, have fun, see you after school, and I love you."

"Love you too, sis." Raf said and hung up.

Ava smiled and closed the back door of her car. She moved to the front of the car and got in the passenger seat. She sighed and laid her hands on the steering wheel. The car started and she pulled out of the college's parking lot.

She had just started studying to become a paramedic and work had gotten chaotic quickly. So the minute she was offered to go back to her home town for spring break, she couldn't have been happier.

She loved being a paramedic, but it was the amount of work she had to do that bothered her. Her life hadn't started off well with a divided family and a young half-brother she had to take care of.

Maybe moving back to Nevada could help her find someone. It could be a family member, a friend, maybe even a significant other.

After all, college might've been her escape but Nevada would always be her home.


"The bridge is a couple of miles away." Ava repeated to herself as she turned down a street.

She was in a small town away from the school. She had forgotten her way around after a while. She pulled into a fast food restaurant and drove up to the window. There stood a boy with black hair, he probably worked there.

"Hello?" She asked at the window. The boy seemed to jump, not expecting her. "Sorry, to bother you but do you know about a bridge a couple of miles away from Bridgerton Middle and High?"

"Uh, yeah." The boy responded. "It's a bit farther than a couple of miles, right outside of Jasper, and just off of Maybel street."

"I wish my brother told me that." She joked. "Thank you so much, I probably would've been searching forever."

"I go to Bridgerton, I might know your brother." The boy replied.

Ava smiled, "Rafael."

"Raf?" The boy asked. "You're Raf's sister? You must be Ava."

"And you must be Jack." Ava said, his name rolling off her tongue like the many times it rolled off her brother's.

"He talks about you a lot." They simultaneously stated.

They laughed for a minute, then somebody pulled up to the drive through line.

"I'll see you around?" Jack hopefully asked.

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