Masters & Students

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Ava sat on the couch as she studied for her next exam. Her and the others were in the base all working on school activities.

The other three humans were building projects for their science fair. Oh, how she wished she could go back to that simpler time. A loud explosion made Ava jump in her seat.

"Decepticons!" Ratchet yelled from afar. "We're under attack!"

Ratchet and Optimus quickly ran into the room. Ava ran down from her spot to see past the smoke.

"It's no attack, Ratchet." Raf told him. He coughed and waved the smoke away from his face. "It's my volcano." He pointed to the gooey substance on a large tray. "Or was..."

"Hold still, Bulkhead!" Miko exclaimed with her paint brush in hand. "Jupiter needs its red spot." She dropped some of the paint. "Whoopsie."

"What in the allspark is going on in here?" Ratchet complained.

"Our projects are due tomorrow." Jack simply told him.

Arcee picked up a metal pipe for him, "I think it needs one of these doohickeys."

"You're a motorcycle, Arcee. Shouldn't you know how to build a motorcycle engine?" Jack asked.

"You're a human, Jack. Can you build me a small intestine?" Arcee retorted.

Ava chuckled at the Autobot's sense of humor. She went back up the stairs and continued her studying. Books were scattered across the floor.

"Well, you can't work on these... projects in here." Ratchet told them, stammering with every word. "You're... making a mess."

"But the science fair's a big part of our grade." Raf said.

"Yeah!" Miko agreed. "If Bulkhead doesn't help me finish this model of our solar system-"

"Oh?" Ratchet interrupted. "And what does Bulkhead know of your solar system?" He turned to Raf, "Or Bumblebee of your volcanoes? Or..."

"Arcee of our motorcycles?" Jack finished.

"Precisely!" Ratchet agreed. "We're not Eathlings. And they're not scientists."

"But the Autobots are their guardians, Ratchet." Optimus told him. "Even you of Ava. Would it hurt more of Earth by helping our young friends with their schoolwork?"

"Well, maybe our young friends should try learning more of Cybertron." Ratchet accused.

He stayed quiet the rest of the day, watching as the humans and their guardians interacted.

Optimus went over to Ava, "And your project consists of?"

"Oh, I'm not working on a project." She told him. "I'm studying for a big exam in a couple of days. It's still a huge part of my grade like the science fair is for them."

"Hmm... human customs?" Optimus asked.

"More like human education." She explained. "Different teachers do different things for each student. My college doesn't have a science fair. I did it when I was younger but that's all said and done."

Ava went back to reading her book and highlighting different parts. Optimus watched her, somehow intrigued, even though it was the most boring thing to her. The duo turned once they heard Bumblebee telling a story of his adventures.

"Boop buzz beep bop! Beep boop bop beep buzz buzz." (I'm almost ready! Then I can go around and be a true warrior!)

"Really Bumblebee?" Raf asked as he covered his volcano in newspapers. "Then how do you make warrior class?"

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