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Ava sat on Ratchet's shoulder, helping him with any and everything she could on the base's computer. He was also teaching her more about Cybertron as well.

"So the spark is like the heart..." Ava repeated.

"Yes." Ratchet agreed.

"The spark chamber is kind of like a rib cage, except it's accessible..."


"And when a cybertronian finds a significant other, they call them their sparkmate..."


"So is a sparkmate picked out for them, or is it someone they find?" Ava asked.

Ratchet thought for a moment, "Some believe a sparkmate is destiny; that it's chosen for them."

"What do you believe?" Ava asked.

"I believe it's all fake." Ratchet simply said. "Sparkmate. Please! It's whoever wants to get together with someone else. There's no magic or destiny, it's all science."

"There has to be something behind all that science, Ratchet." Ava said.

"I can tell you it's not magic." Ratchet said.

"No. But science doesn't bring two people together." Ava said. "And science doesn't create coincidences."

Ratchet eyed her. She continued, "And love is more than a mathematical equation set in a laboratory. You might think love isn't all that, but I believe it is."

"Why?" Ratchet asked. "It's not like you've found someone."

Ava stayed quiet, adding to Ratchet's questions.

"Who could possibly..." He drifted off, not wanting to believe it.

"Let's just say that tomorrow night is going to be fun." Ava said.

Ratchet's optics widened. He turned back to the base computer. Tomorrow night? He felt a tug in his sparkchamber.

He knew love wasn't real, but the pain he felt made him forget everything else except tomorrow night. Was destiny real? If it was, why was it toying with him?

"Prime!" Someone shouted.

Ratchet focused on what was in front of him. Ava had answered a video call from Agent Fowler. Optimus and Arcee strided into the room to answer the call.

"Prime!" Fowler yelled once again.

"Special Agent Fowler." Optimus greeted. "To what do we owe-"

"What else?" Fowler interrupted. "Cons. I chased them off with some hard ordnance, but not before they blew out of the sky."

"Again?" Miko chuckled.

"They tried a smash-and-grab for the dingus." Fowler said.

Ava snorted. She covered her mouth to calm down. "The what, Agent Fowler?"

"Dynamic Nuclear Generation System, AKA, D.N.G.S." Fowler sent a picture of the D.N.G.S in a box. "It's a prototype energy source in putting to the coast for testing."

Ratchet scoffed, "That's absurd. Why would Starscream bother with such primitive technology?"

"I'm guessing to make a big fat primitive weapon of mass destruction." Fowler sassed. "If this baby were to melt down, it would irradiate this state and the four next door."

"Did Agent Fowler say what state he was currently in?" Raf asked. Jack shrugged, not recalling that part of the conversation.

"I'm a sitting duck here, Prime." Agent Fowler said. "I need you to spin up your bridge and send the D.N.G.S to its destination before the cons come back for it."

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