Con Job

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Ava held her gun up and aimed it at the far away target. She pulled the trigger and watched as the blue light came close to hitting the bullseye.

Ava lowered her gun and walked closer. She put the weapon on the strap of her back and raised her arms. She pressed the button on her thumb and watched as the blue laser came close to hitting the bullseye again.

"Hey, Ava." The young woman heard someone say.

Ava turned to the voice to see Miko on Bulkhead's shoulder near the entrance.

"Hey, guys." Ava greeted back.

"New outfit?" Miko asked, noticing how Bulkhead was staring at the clothes she was wearing as his faceplate noticeably became warmer.

"It's just leggings, a tank top, and a jacket." Ava humbled herself. "I figured it's great for exercise. We still on Bulkhead?"

"What- you mean... what?" Bulkhead stuttered.

"Training." Ava reminded him. "Did you forget?"

"No, I just thought... you meant something else." Bulkhead told her.

Miko covered her mouth to keep herself from laughing. It was obvious he thought she meant a date. He wished it was a date.

"We're heading to the main room. Want to join us?" Miko asked her.

"I'd love to." Ava replied. "I gotta tell Ratchet about how well his gadgets worked, too."

The three left the room, heading to the main room of the base. Ratchet, Optimus, Bumblebee, Jack, and Raf were already there. Ratchet was on the computer when he found something.

"Optimus, I'm receiving a signal on a restricted band." Ratchet told the leader. "It appears to be coming from a starship inside this solar system. It's an Autobot identification beacon."

"So there are other bots out there?" Jack asked.

"The masses scattered to the galaxies when Cybertron finally went dark, but 'cons have been known to bait traps with false beacons." Arcee said.

Ratchet connected the speaking link to the ship.

"Unknown vessel, this is Autobot Outpost Omega One." Optimus said. "Identify yourself."

A voice came through, "I've had warmer welcomes from Decepticon combat bridges."

"Wheeljack?!" Bulkhead exclaimed and walked closer to the computer. "You old 'con crusher! What are you doing all the way out here?"

"Bulkhead?" The voice asked. "That you? What's with all the security?"

"The rock we're on is crawling with 'cons." Bulkhead told him. "How soon can you get here and even the odds?"

"Sometime tomorrow if I put metal to the petal." Wheeljack said. Ratchet turned the mic off for the team to discuss privately.

"Another bot's coming here. How cool is that!" Miko said.

"Wheeljack. I know of him by reputation only." Optimus said and turned to Bulkhead, "Can you verify his voiceprint?"

"He is 1,000% the real deal, Optimus." Bulkhead confirmed.

Optimus nodded and turned back to the computer. Ratchet turned the mic back on, "We will send landing coordinates, Wheeljack. Safe journey."

"See you soon, buddy. I'll make sure you get a proper welcome." Bulkhead said.

Ratchet ended the call. He typed in coordinates and sent them to Wheeljack. Ava took a good look at them and gave him a confused look.

"That's nowhere near here." Ava pointed out.

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