Deus Ex Machina

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"I mean, it should be fine... right?" Ava asked.

Her and Ratchet observed the slimy, crumbling sculpture of the human muscular system she had made. It wasn't for school, but her friend wanted a reference guide that he could keep in his dorm room.

"Is the human body always failing?" Ratchet asked and poked the sculpture.

The top slid off from the bottom half and dropped to the ground.

"It doesn't fail like that." Ava replied. "I'll figure it out later."

She picked it up and threw it in the nearest trash bin. Ratchet nodded and offered her his hand. She got on and he placed her on his shoulder. They began their work on the base computer.

A few minutes in and Ava had turned her head at the sound of a car driving. Bulkhead transformed right after Miko got out.

"Hey, guys." Ava waved.

"H-Hey." Bulkhead stuttered and crossed his arms 'coolly'.

Miko ignored her and faced Bulkhead, "You sound like my parents."

"Aren't they Japanese?" Bulkhead asked the young girl.

"They may speak a different language, but you say the same things." Miko told him.

"Because we want the best for you." Bulkhead said. "And that means making sure you go to school, not jail."

Jack walked over and leaned on the platform's railing. Him and Ava gave each other a look, wondering the same thing.

"Uh-oh. What'd you do?" Jack playfully asked.

"Look, Miko, before I became a warrior, I was a laborer. Construction." Bulkhead told her. "I can build stuff. I can break stuff. And that's it."

"I love breaking stuff!" Miko said. "I want to be just like you, Bulk."

Ava kept an eye on the base computer as it beeped but listened in on the two's conversation.

"Why would you want to be like me?" Bulkhead asked her. "When you can be a-a... medic like Ratchet and Ava."

Ava smiled when Miko turned to face her.

Ratchet ignored them completely and said, "I'm detecting a fresh energon pulse. From the nation called... Greece. An ancient city. Quite historic, I believe."

"Very historic." Ava confirmed.

"Ancient Greece, huh?" Bulkhead asked. "Field trip!"

"Awesome!" Miko shouted.

Ratchet looked flabbergasted, "You can't bring Miko to Greece! She's a human."

Ava jumped down and grabbed her coat and weapons on the railing. "I'm human and I'm going."

"Yes, but Miko's inexperienced!" Ratchet argued. "And she doesn't follow orders!"

Ava jumped onto the computer and pulled the lever while Ratchet continued his rant. The ground bridge opened and Ava jumped off.

"Optimus would not agree." Ratchet said.

Bulkhead transformed into vehicle mode and opened the driver and passenger doors for his two girls.

"In fact, I'm not opening the ground bridge at-"

"See you later, Ratchy!" Ava shouted as Bulkhead drove off into the ground bridge.

Ratchet stared at the already open portal. He sighed and pulled the lever to close it. He went back to work, grumbling the entire time.

"You missed your chance." Jack said.

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