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Ratchet attached the vital lines connected to Bumblebee and Bulkhead as Ava watched their signs appear on the base computer.

Ratchet turned to the young woman, "Do you remember what I taught you about the spark meter?"

"The spark meter isn't only definable upon the stats, it's also dependent on the energon level." Ava repeated. "And it looks good to me, along with their metal density."

Ratchet walked over, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Good. And the core temperature?"

"Lower than normal, but nothing too noticeable." Ava responded, reading the cybertronian words perfectly.

"Very good." Ratchet said, impressed. "Send the heat through."

Ava pressed a button, their vitals slightly rose.

"Is that normal?" Ava asked Ratchet.

"Yes." He said, carefully observing each detail. "It will go back down once they're done."

Suddenly, the screen went flat on Bulkhead's side. Ava and Ratchet turned to see what was happening.

"I told you, doc, we're fine." Bulkhead reassured after pulling the vital sign tubes off of him and standing up.

Ratchet rushed over and sat him down, "The only way to be certain you're fine, Bulkhead, is to endure standard defrosting procedure." He spoke to Ava, "Another lesson. Prolonged exposure to sub-zero conditions can cause permanent system damage."

"Got it." Ava nodded.


Optimus and Arcee walked up to them, "Ratchet, have you learned anything more about our arctic find?" Optimus asked.

"Not yet." Ratchet replied and went over to the computer. "The pod can't be opened while it's frozen solid."

Ava went over and set the same arctic coordinates in. She pulled the lever and the tunnel lit to life.

"Arcee and I will search for any clue which might explain the origin of our arctic find." Optimus told them.

Ratchet brought out a hand-held device. "Only until your sensors sound. Remember, once your core temperature drops into the blue zone, system failure's aren't likely... they're imminent."

Ava moved out of the way as Bumblebee and Bulkhead drove into the base.

"Miss us, doc bot?" Miko shouted as her and Jack got out of Bulkhead's vehicle mode.

Ratchet groaned in irritation, "Shouldn't they be in school?" He asked Ava.

"On Saturday?" Miko rhetorically asked. "We have the whole weekend off to spend with you."

Ratchet crossed his arms. He really didn't like human customs.

"Don't worry." Ava said. "The weekend only lasts two days."

"I wasn't expecting the carpool." Jack said. "What gives, Arcee?"

"Tag team, Jack." Arcee explained. "It's my turn for exploration duty."

"Too bad." Jack said. "It's a beautiful day for a ride. I would hate for you to feel guilty for leaving me indoors."

"Arctic exploration duty." Arcee told him.

"Indoors where it's warm." Jack complied.

"The arctic?" Raf asked as he got out of Bumblebee's vehicle mode. "I've always wanted to see snow."

"I would invite you to join, Rafael, but the conditions are much too extreme. Even for us Autobots." Optimus said.

"I understand." Raf defeatedly said.

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