Darkness Rising Part 3

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"We cannot allow Megatron to send dark energon through his space bridge." Optimus told the team. "If we fail, the dead of Cybertron will rise, swarm through its vortex, and invade earth, bending humankind to Megatron's twisted will."

Ava could only imagine it. The fire, the screaming, the blood of innocent human lives.

"We have to stop it." Ava said.

"And how would we do that?" Ratchet asked her and crossed his arms.

"I mean..." Ava stammered, not sure what to say. "What if we... I don't... I don't know."

"Of course you don't." Ratchet scoffed and turned to the others.

He began talking with them about it, completely ignoring Ava. Bumblebee walked over to her, feeling slightly bad about her being left out.

"Beep bop, boop bep beep?" (It's pretty late, don't humans sleep?)

Ava chuckled, "Do Autobots not?"

Bee shrugged his shoulders. "Beep boop." (Sometimes.)

Ava smiled at him and patted his shoulder. "Thanks, Bee. You guys have any spare rooms?"

Bumblebee beeped in excitement and picked her up. He sat her on his shoulders and began running full speed through the base. Ava had to tightly grab onto any part of him she could to not fall off.

"Bee, slow down!" She shouted.

He stopped in front of a large door and walked in. He set her down on the ground so that she could look around.

It had plain with white walls and a simple twin sized bed. But it was thoughtful that the Autobot's would keep it here. It was even more thoughtful that Bee would lead her to it.

"Boop bop beep boop buzz beep!" (We can add more detail if you want!)

"Well, I'll only be staying here for tonight and I don't want to bother you with buying any materials." Ava said. "This is perfect. Thank you."

Bumblebee buzzed in joy and ran off. Ava closed the door behind him and flipped the light switch off. She walked over to her bed and laid down in it. The darkness of the room finally over came her and pulled her into the realm of sleep.


Ava sat in her regular spot on the railing, listening to the team and watching Ratchet on the computer.

"Optimus, I've pinpointed the location of Megatron's space bridge, high in Earth's orbit." Ratchet said.

"Out of our reach." Optimus stated.

"Okay, so you guys don't fly." Miko said. "But can't you just ground bridge there?"

"The ground bridge has limited range." Ratchet tiredly explained. "Stretched all the way into orbit, its vortex could snap and scatter us to the stars."

"Since Megatron is likely already in transit, I'm afraid we must take that risk." Optimus told his friend. "Reaching the space bridge first is our only means of stopping him."

A honk sounded through the base. Everyone watched as a blue motorcycle drove in with Jack.

"Hey," Jack greeted them. "Guess who's back?"

Optimus, almost unnoticeably, smiled at his return. "Autobots, prepare for departure."

Arcee transformed, "Where to?"

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