Chapter 36 - The Corpse and The Cougar

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It was early morning when Izuku awoke slowly, blinking against the pale, golden rays filtering through the curtains. He lay there for a few languid moments, savoring the warmth of Ochaco's lithe form curled against him and the gentle cadence of her breathing fanning across his bare chest. A few stray tendrils of her chestnut hair tickled his nose, but he found their featherlight caress too precious to disturb her peaceful slumber.

'I don't think I've ever been so utterly relaxed and happy in my life,' he mused, trailing his fingertips in aimless patterns along the soft skin of her arm. 'How is it possible for one girl to make me feel like this? All she has to do is be in the same room with me, and everything feels right with the world.'

He felt Ochaco stir beside him as she shifted position slightly, her smooth legs rubbing together sensuously as she stretched with a contented sigh, arching her back in an enticing curve before settling back against him. 'She really does like being held. I guess she feels safe when she's next to me, or maybe just comfortable. Either way, I'm glad she likes being cuddled,' Izuku thought fondly, tightening his embrace.

The tranquil moment was shattered by a resounding bang as the door to his room was abruptly flung open. Midnight strode in purposefully, stopping at the foot of the bed to loom over the tousled couple. "Hey, Izuku, wake up!" she barked before taking in Ochaco's sleep-rumpled form. "Ah. Good morning, Princess."

A low growl rumbled in Izuku's throat. "Nemuri, is the pub on fire?" he bit out through gritted teeth.

She cocked her head quizzically before replying in a bemused tone, "No?"

"Would you like it to be?"

Sensing the volatility simmering just beneath Izuku's frigid tone when anything regarding Ochaco was involved, alarm flickered across Midnight's expression. "Don't even think about it, Izuku," she warned.

"Then get out. Now." Izuku's words brooked no argument as he glared at the intruding hero.

"Izuku?" Ochaco called out sleepily, stirring awake at the commotion. She sat up slowly, the sheets pooling around her waist as she blinked owlishly and took in the scene - Nemuri standing with arms crossed, leveling a pointed look at her boyfriend.

Unperturbed, Midnight continued in a clipped tone, "Okay, I just want to tell you there's someone important downstairs to talk to you."

"Out. I'll deal with whoever it is once we're dressed," Izuku ground out, his tone leaving no room for discussion.

Midnight's burgundy gaze raked over their rumpled, half-dressed state with a smirk. "I can see that," she purred sarcastically before turning on her heel and exiting, the door slamming shut behind her.

"I should probably start locking that," Izuku muttered darkly before rolling onto his side to face Ochaco once more. She favored him with a sweet smile before leaning in to brush a soft kiss across his lips.

"And good morning to you too, my love. We had better get ready. Midnight-sensei seems quite emphatic," she murmured, brushing an errant curl from his brow.

Izuku's arm curled around her slender waist, pulling her flush against him as he sighed. "One of these days we're going to wake up to a lazy morning of just nuzzling."

"That would be delightful," Ochaco agreed wistfully. "But today does not seem to be that day. It was wonderful to fall asleep in your arms though." She nuzzled his neck affectionately.

"Hold on to that thought. Let's get dressed and head down," Izuku said reluctantly, dropping a kiss on her crown before disentangling himself.

"If it is okay, my love, I would prefer to wait here," Ochaco demurred with a demure glance. "Wandering out of your bedroom first thing in the morning seems to be the kind of thing that could lead to misunderstandings."

Midoriya Izuku - The Winter King (BNHA x Love of Magic)Where stories live. Discover now