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Today was different from others. Your friend would be coming over today! You were so excited that.. you forgot to tell Kinito. And that you had to go grab something from the library you forgot. You leave the door unlocked and tell your friend. You left the house and got in your car. You drove to the library.

Kinito wasn't sure what you were doing but he assumed you were going to do something outside of home. He checked your files for viruses for the third time before he heard the door open. He perked his head up. He looked through the screen and saw someone he's never seen before. He guessed it was an intruder. They looked as if they were making themselves at home? Kinito was confused but decided to take action. He opened a shortcut and soon the computer screen went black and staticy (I wonder what's gonna happen :000). He gripped the side of the computer and climbed out. He fell on the ground. He didn't make any noise though. Except for the fact him falling made a thud sound. He got up and almost hit his head on the ceiling due to him being 10 feet tall.

After.. shrinking himself somehow- he walked out of the room.. now he was 6 feet tall. Kinito looked around and saw the 'intruder' on the couch. He snuck up behind them and! Dragged them off the couch. "Hey! What the-" They look up at Kinito. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" It screeched. Kinito dropped them. "Ow-" The sound of the scream hurt his head. The person hit its head on the ground. It also made a sound of pain. They got up and faced Kinito. They backed away. "What are you doing in y/n's house?!" Kinito asked. They responded with, "I'm their frien-" They were soon cut off by Kinito. "I'M their friend!!" He glared at the person.

You had gotten what you left at the library and we're now on your way home when your phone rang. It was from your friend. "Hello?" You heard a yell from the other side. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS THING?!" Your friend asks. "What do you mean??" You were confused. "JUST- I DON'T KNOW, JUST GET HERE!!" they yelled. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!" they screamed. They seemed like they were in trouble so you sped up a little. You heard something fall from the other side. Followed by a groan of pain that sounded familiar.. You couldn't put your finger on it. "Why did you push me?!" Oh... Now you knew.. "OH SHIT-" you arrived home and immediately opened the door. You saw Kinito somewhat laying on the ground with your friend over them with a baseball bat you kept for when you occasionally played baseball with your other friends. "Wait!" You yell but it was too late. You flinched but noticed immediately that.. Kinito grabbed the bat out of your friend's hand.

Kinito grabbed the bat and threw it on the ground. He got up and backed up a little. "I think you should go.." you say to your friend as they walk over to you. "Yeah.." they look back at Kinito. You close the door behind them and sigh. You look back at Kinito and he looked emotionally hurt. Most likely because you had other friends than him. "How did you even get out?" You ask. You didn't really want the answer. You drag him back to the computer. "Just.. Go-" You stare at him. He looks even more hurt. "I-" he began before being interrupted. "Now." You point to the computer. He climbs back in. You lay on your bed. All you wanted was a peaceful day with your friend but Kinito had to ruin it. You groaned and turned on a movie to watch for the rest of the evening.

Idk I kinda went wild with this one :b

Next one will be even crazier I think 😰😰😰😰

Request by Imscaredoforeos

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