The smut <33

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Yeah I felt a little silly ^^

Uhhh have fun?? Enjoy ig

You sigh.. another long day at work just to return home with nothing to do.. You get your stuff from your office and leave as your shift is over. You get in your car and drive back home. You think over your plans for the rest of your night.. there was none. You park into your driveway and get out of your car. You open the door and you feel the atmosphere shift.. it felt way different here than the car. You close the door and notice how all the lights were off.. unusual.. you swear you had them all on before you left. It was eerily dark inside your house. As you reach to turn on a light something suddenly grabs you and pins you against a wall. You let out a gasp of surprise as you feel the sudden pressure against your back.

You looked up to see who was pinning you but you couldn't tell who it was. All you could see is their glowing pink eyes.. wait PINK?! "Kinito?!" You sort of yell. He looked down at you. "Took you long enough~" he said with a seductive tone. The seductive tone caught you off guard. He seemed to hesitate a little before pulling you into a kiss. You kissed him back passionately. He caught on and the kiss lasted for what seemed like an eternity before separating. Although his actions spoke the language of seduction, his mental state brewed nervousness. He tried not to let it show and was hoping you didn't notice him hesitate.

He took one of your legs and wrapped it around his waist, pinning you closer to the wall as he kissed you passionately. You wrapped your other leg around his waist to keep a hold onto him as he continued to kiss you, occasionally breaking away to breath. "I have a feeling you didn't do this just to kiss me.." You panted, still catching your breath after kissing him for a short while. He nodded. "You're right.. I want to do more than kiss..~" He spoke in the same seductive tone but this time it was slightly laced with lust.

He once again hesitated before making the next move. He pressed you a little harder against the wall. You use one of your hands to try and tug at his pants, trying to pull them down. He looked down at your hand and back at you. "What are you doing, y/n?~" He raised an eyebrow, his eyes dark with lust. You continued to pull at his pants before he grabbed your hand. He helps you by pulling your hand down more. Soon enough his pants were off and he was only in his shirt and boxers. You admired the sight. As he looked down at you he had a mischievous glint in his eyes.

You could see the arousal growing in his boxers as you looked down. He kept his gaze on you as he moved your hand to the waistband of his boxers. You moved your head up to look at him as you felt the fabric against your fingers. You slightly gripped onto it. Suddenly you felt how he used his free hand to slip your pants off your body. You let out a small gasp as he did so. He threw them aside, still pressing his body against yours to keep you against the wall as he slipped off your panties as well. He eyes glimmered with desire as he noticed how wet you were.

To quicken things up, he pulled down his own boxers, revealing his own, hard cock. You took notice of how long he was... You could only guess about 8 or 9 inches.. He noticed the way you looked at him with a lustful and longing gaze. This only aroused him more. With no second thoughts he positioned himself in front of your entrance.. which was somewhat hard to do considering you're against a wall right now. He thrusts inside you. You let out a soft moan as you feel him inside you.

He thrusts deep inside you, going faster by the second. He was moaning loudly but that didn't matter.. all that mattered was the pleasure.. "Y-you feel so good y-y/n~" he managed to get out through his groans. All you could get out were moans and gasps. You ignored the feeling of being pressed against the wall every time he thrust inside you.. it felt soo good. "A-ah~ Y-your so tight~" He breathed, covering where his mouth would be to hopefully quiet the moans escaping him.

You were a moaning mess as he continued to rail you. He fucked you relentlessly, his thrusts getting more and more faster, which seemed to overthrow you with emotion. "Ah.. ah~" You moaned, biting your lip. His thrusts were getting more careless and messy as he was close to finishing. You were close as well. He kept thrusting deeper into you as he moaned in pleasure. "I-i gonna c-cu..~" he groaned, trying to warn you that he was about to cum. You nodded in acknowledgement, showing him that you understood. He closes his eyes tightly as he thrusts deep inside you for the final time, releasing inside you. You moan loudly as he does so, pleasure coursing through you. He pulls out and pants a bit, tired from the events that had just occurred. He pulls you into another heated kiss. You kiss him back just as passionately.

After you both get back into your clothes, you two decide to lay down in bed and most likely go back to sleep after what just happened. You smile as you lay your head down on your pillow. You turn to look at Kinito. "that was.. intense.." You sigh and he nods. "Mhm!" He faces the ceiling, you do the same. You yawn and close your eyes. You can feel his gaze lingering on you as you slowly drift into sleep. He also decided to close his eyes and go to sleep as well. Soon both you and Kinito are asleep and the rest of the night is peaceful...

I'm not even @ing the ppl who requested this, ik it's not perfect but it's my first time sooooooo yeahhhhhh

Some art as a sorry

(Some fanart of a Kinitopet au thing or something <33)

(Some fanart of a Kinitopet au thing or something <33)

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