Date night! (repost)

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Idk guys..

Today is the day you'd be going on a date with Kinito!! Since he wasn't exactly human though, you'd have to think of a way to let him actually come with you. You ponder this for a while.. how in the world would an axolotl with a few human features be allowed in a restaurant? You'll figure something out eventually.. It was only morning after all. You sit on your bed and lay down. The cold suns rays shone through your window. It felt nice.. You get out of bed and do the usual. Brush your teeth, eat breakfast, and go out for a walk. When you come back in the house the atmosphere felt.. different? You weren't sure but you felt like someone was watching you. You look around but see no one. As you were about to check behind you, you felt hands on your shoulders. "AH!" you jump back and see Kinito. "oh.. it's just you!"

"I made a new body!!" He said excitedly. "Oh?" You weren't sure what he meant. "Can I see it?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. He nodded. A cloud of 1s and 0s surrounded him and you couldn't tell what was really happening. Soon the cloud of 1s and 0s faded and you saw him. He was.. human? He had short pink hair. He also had brown eyes. He was wearing a suit and had bow tie on. He was about 6'3. Your jaw dropped.

"So how do I look?" He asked, look at you. "You look ho- I mean great!!" You felt it was too soon to call him hot.. hopefully he didn't notice your slip up. "Did you almost say hot?" You mentally face palmed. "Uhh" You changed the subject. "So where are we eating?" He thought for a moment. "How about the new restaurant that opened down the street?" You nodded.

Now you are in your car, about to go eat out with Kinito.. What you were stuck on was if this was a platonic date or a romantic. You didn't want to seem like a weirdo if you asked if it was romantic, and if you asked if it was platonic he'd be sad if it was romantic. You were listening to 'F/S' on the radio as you drove there.

You soon arrived and pulled into the driveway. You got out and opened the door for Kinito. "Thank you, y/n!" He got out, still getting a bit used to his new body. "You're welcome!" You say as you begin to walk towards the entrance of the restaurant. Kinito opens the door for you this time. You give him a nod of thanks. As you walk in you notice how.. nice it looked. The thought you had earlier still lingering in the back of your head as you were seated. You and Kinito were both handed menus.

As your food arrived you looked at your drink. Half empty. Or maybe half full? That was a thought for another time. Now you had to focus on not messing everything up. "Y/n? Are you going to eat?" Kinito's voice broke your train of thought and you raised your head up to look at him. You looked into his eyes.. you got lost in them. "Uhh y/n?" He said again. "oh! Uhm yes!" You grab your fork and start to eat. The food was delicious. The last thing on your mind was the check.

You finish your food and move your plate out of the way. "I'm gonna go to the restroom I'll be right back!" You get up. You near the restroom and close the door. You sit down on the floor. Something you didn't hear though is that Kinito has gotten up too. You just sat there for a moment before washing your hands. You open the door and are surprised to see Kinito standing there. Just looking hot as usual. You honestly didn't know what to say. But Kinito knew what he wanted to do.. but that'll have to wait. "I was just uh.. waiting for you to get out!" He says quickly and walk back to the table with you behind him. The check comes and you pay.

You sigh as you drive back home.. you feel like Kinito wasn't just there to wait for you. It's like he was planning something.. You park in your driveway and walk inside with Kinito behind you. The door closes. You feel something grab your arm and in a flash your pinned against a wall. Kinito seems to hesitate before making up his mind..

He kisses you. Your eyes widen but you go with it and wrap your arms around him, closing your eyes. He pulls away and you open your eyes... He's blushing rapidly. You let out a small laugh as if you aren't blushing wildly as well. He looks at you in the eyes. ".. I love you, y/n" You take a deep breath. "I love you too, Kinito" You smile at him. He hugs you tightly. You hesitate but hug him back. "I'm sorry y/n but I have to change into my normal form or I'll tire myself out" He breaks the silence. "Oh, that's okay!" Before he changes back you give him another kiss on the cheek. He blushes again. Then a cloud of 1s and 0s surround him. When they faded he was back in his 'anthro' form as you call it. You get into bed and lay down. You feel Kinito lay down beside you. You look over to him and you two just stare into each other's eyes..

Request by NerdyC00kie

I made this one kinda long bc I've been gone for a while so enjoyyyy

Also if I make a part two... It's gonna have smut I'm sorry!!! Uhh but I probably won'tttt

 It's gonna have smut I'm sorry!!! Uhh but I probably won'tttt

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Take this edited version of the new cover!!!

Gonna just say stuff so I can magically get to 1000 words

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