He's drunk.. isn't he?

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This is very rushed help..

Six days.. six days since Kinito's been at your home after somehow glitching out of your pc. You stayed with him here for the past few days and today was the day you had to go back to work. "Kinito.. I really need to go now! I'm going to be late!" He looked at you with pleading eyes. "But y/n-" You grabbed your keys. "I'll be back tonight, don't mess up the house" With that you left your home and got into your car..

Kinito was left alone in your house. He would usually just stay in your room but he decided to explore your home.. he checked every room and would open cabinets and such. He walked into the kitchen.. He opened one of the top cabinets and found some water bottles.. four to be exact. They had a weird smell but we're clear so he just assumed that it was water. He opened the water bottle and started drinking it. It tasted weird but he finished the first bottle.. he decided to drink a second one for who knows why. He finished it and put the other two up..

He started feeling weird and lightheaded.. He got up to go and lay in y/n's room again but almost fell down. He stumbled around a little before trying to walk to y/n's room. He failed. He ended up hitting his head on a wall. "oww-" He held his head where he hit it. He stumbled backwards a little before going forwards again, his footing bad. He finally made it to y/n's room, only hitting his head twice. He just stood there, unsure what to do.. He walked over to y/n's bed and grabbed a blanket. He wrapped it around himself. He tried to walk and ended up falling. "ow.." he let out a pained noise.

You were almost done with work.. thirty more minutes. You wondered what Kinito was doing. Probably sleeping in your bed. You continue to work and die inside. You hate work and so does everyone else you work with so it's a living hell. Finally your shift is over. You clock out and quickly get into your car. On the way home you listen to your favorite playlist.

You pull into your driveway and turn off your car. You get out of the car and walk into your house. It was a sight to see for sure.. Kinito was laying off the back of the couch. "Heeyyyyy~" You close your front door and just stare at him. "Finallyyy your back! I've been waiting foreverrr~" He slightly slurs his words and gets off the couch or.. falls.. same thing. He quickly gets up and walks over to you, almost tripping over his tail. "Kinito.. are you okay?" He looks surprised at your question and tilts his head. "Why wouldn't I bee?~" He has a slight blush.. fuck.. "Are you drunk??" You're veryy confused. How could he get drunk? Unless.. "Maybeeee~" He walks closer to you. You back away a little. "Uhh did you look through my cabinets..?" You ask, still slightly hoping he wasn't drunk. "Yeaa~" He now had you against a wall. He looked you up and down. "You're pretty~ and.. you're all mine~" He kissed you. You were shocked to say the least. But you went with it. It lasted around 10 seconds before he pulled away. "You also taste good~" You pushed him away a little which surprised him. You grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards your room. "I don't know how much you drank but you're going to bed" You pulled him into your room and laid him down on your bed. He reluctantly laid down and you got in bed beside him. Not to sleep but to just calm him down. Soon he fell asleep and you sighed before getting up to make you something to eat.

Some art I made a little bit ago (a few minutes)

Some art I made a little bit ago (a few minutes)

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