Gladio x Reader [Royal Affair]

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a/n: Miniseries for the Chocobro's slight adult contact, do not read if underage or uncomfortable.

Once again, another boring party for [y/n] as she stood in the royal ballroom half listening to the people around her; her eyes darted around the room seeing her father king Regis speaking to some royals it didn't help her nerves when those people who would give a slight gaze to her. It sent an unpleasant feeling through her body when she knew those old bastards were looking to gain an alliance with the royal family of Lucis with their own piggish sons; [y/n] sighed before excusing herself from her group of young girls who gossiped amongst themselves mostly, she found no interest in them but wished she could just go hang out in the training hall or just read a book but being the oldest and being eighteen left no room for alone time.

Walking through the crowd of this gathering, she mostly tried to avoid any eyes that might be looking for her to corner her into a dance or boring conversation. The last thing she wished was to be caught by one of the many single sons that were here tonight with their families looking for a match.

"Princess [y/n]" a voice called out to her, and she didn't need to know who called her name; it was a young man two years older than her; his grandfather was on the council, and she knows a few things about him the things that were important to know of a man.

He was a talker that was for sure, but a smooth one and has had plenty of women in his time and she as hell wasn't going to be matched with a man who couldn't love just one woman or love her for her position that she held: picking up her dress a bit she almost rushed out the back doors to try and escape him but knew better that he would follow her.

Turning the corner as fast as she could she bumped into someone making her jump, only to calm down when seeing it was Gladio who she bumped into, coming back from training seeing the slight sweat under his ballcap he had turned around not to mention the casual grey sweatshirt, jogging pants and the shoes.

"You alright princess?" he asked with a raised eyebrow seeing she was a little shaken up about something.

"Princess!" the other man's voice called out from around the corner of the other hall.

In a panic [y/n] pulled Gladio into a storage room, closing it behind them with her back against it hoping the man looking for her won't look in here for her and just keep on walking by them both. 

"What is goi-" Gladio slightly whispered to her but was cut off by [y/n] who surprised him by pulling him down towards her letting their lips crash together in order for him to not give their spot away by the footsteps that got louder by the minute.

Gladio didn't know where to put his hands as he felt her soft lips against his, he placed his hands against the door not knowing where else to put them as he heard the footsteps come to a stop near the door; Gladio pulled back slightly from this unexpected kiss letting his brown eyes look down at [y/n] who seemed to be holding her breath at the person behind the other side of the door. Gladio cradled the back of her head pulling her close to him in a protective manner, letting her scent of violets come to his senses.

"I got you, no one is going to hurt you" he whispered softly in her hear, not missing the shiver that shot through her body when she moved closer to him; ducking her face into his neck trying to ignore the feeling of her breath fanning his skin like her lips were.

The sound of the footsteps outside were heard once more, letting him listen as they seemed to grow further and further from them until he could no longer hear the footsteps any longer; Gladio's free hand found the knob giving it a turn to open the door breaking the tension between him and [y/n]. [Y/n] was the first to back away from him as they exited the storage room together.

"You, okay?" Gladio asked her when he touched her left arm, wanting to keep some distance between them but at the same time pull her close to him.

"Y-yes thank you Gladio" she stuttered a bit but shared a warm smile when looking up at him which made him smile as well.

She went to turn away from him, to head back to the safety of her own room but stopped only two steps away from Gladio who was watching her for a moment: but seeing her turn back and rush back to him made his heart jump when he didn't think as his arms wrapped around her waist pulling her to him as their lips crashed together. He pushed [y/n] up against the wall closes to them making her gasped from the slight impact allowing him to slip in tongue inside her mouth, which made her let out a moan as her hands gripped tightly on his shoulders; he groaned when feeling her nails through his sweatshirt while their tongues fought each other. His large hands gripped her ass roughly making her whimper as her hips moved forward to meet his which made him groan again feeling the tightness growing in his pants. 

But it took a lot of strength to pull away from her lips, letting the breath heavily as they looked at each other with half lidded eyes as they caught their breath. Gladio didn't think his old feelings of his crush on the princess would surface because of that one kiss, but seeing how she came back to him and kissed him again only told him what he always wondered himself, if she ever had feelings since Iris seemed to tease her about.

"I-I should go before someone sees us" she stuttered a bit with a blush covering her face as she calmed down.

"Right" Gladio said clearing his throat as he slightly moved from her giving her a chance to leave.

[Y/n] slightly moved from Gladio but didn't leave before giving him one last kiss just on the corner of his lips before making her way down the hall towards her room: with a blush and shy smile on her face as she turned the corner, Gladio couldn't help the smile on his face as he walked the other way still feeling her lips on his that tingled; his body couldn't help but tingle with excitement the more he thought of her as he headed back to his family's house.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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