chapter twenty-ninth

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Ashton's pov

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Ashton's pov

"Tell me your favorite random memory from when you were a young girl"

I smiled as I sat back to think for a second "Okay, so one time me and the group got these walkie talkies when we were like ten and we were so excited to have upgraded from the kid ones to the ones adults use"

"It was a pretty big deal, so we spread out. Rell and Andrew on one side of the street and Daja and I on the opposite. We basically were far enough to talk without feedback, but close enough to still wave at each other"

Joliè smiled nodding as she hung on each word, making sure to give me her full attention.

"It all was going smoothly until we heard a random adult on our channel. Next thing we knew, we were talking to a supposed pilot who was flying in the area and us being the kids we were, asked if he could deliver us some pizza" I started to laugh with her as I thought about the memory.

"The man had agreed to do it, which should have been extremely alarming to us, but we were a bunch of kids happily talking to a pilot on our new toys. We only cared about the pizza"

"So did he deliver it to you? It would be quite weird if a strange pilot just landed on your street"

I gave a cheeky smirk "Fortunately for us, the neighbors saw us and asked what we were up to, and when we excitedly explained the situation to them, we promptly lost our privileges to the walkies for a month"

"I know I should not laugh, but that is so innocently funny" Joliè replied as she tried and failed to contain her laughter.

"You can see why it's my favorite" I grinned as I sipped on my mule "Do you have a favorite movie?"

Joliè hummed before responding "Breakfast At Tiffany's, I have adored Audrey Hepburn since I was young. I used to watch her movies with my mother. It was wonderful bonding moments with her"

"That's so sweet, are you two close?"

"We have always been extremely close, but we don't see each other as much now" She said with a sad smile.

"Why did you not ask me the same question?"

"I don't really like to ask the same things back to back all the time. You don't make it very far in questions if you have to explain long stories back to back" I responded with a shrug while Joliè just stared at me with a tender expression.

"I have never thought about it like that. I have a new question then. What is your all time favorite candy?"

"Oh jeez, I will do anything for Turkish chocolate. I had some while I was abroad and I swear to God I met whoever runs heaven in that moment" I gushed as I dreamily looked towards the ceiling.

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