24. Downfall

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'Be good to your mother, lads. I'll visit when I can. But that may be some time.'' Harwin remarked looking down at the boys. ''Jace. I will return... I promise.'' Harwin looked between them, jace was too sad to speak. ''I will be a stranger when we meet again.'' Harwin realized softly as Harwin hugged Jace goodbye.

''Princess.'' Harwin whispered as he headed out.

"Are you going to miss your brother?" Avalon questioned.

"If your sister left to be far, far away would you miss her?" Larys countered. Avalon debated that before shaking her head.  A smile crept across his face. "Tis how I feel." Larys agreed.

''We will exchange letters by raven. Won't that be fun?'' Rhaenyra questioned as they watched Harwin leave. Avalon waved goodbye, Harwin tipped his head to her.

''Is Harwin Strong my father? Am I a bastard?' Jace questioned looking up at her.

''You are a Targaryen. That's all that matters.'' Rhaenyra corrected.

"Where did you husband run off?"

"Hopefully Harrenhal." Avalon murmured, he noticed the bruising on her cheek and fury filled him.

"If you told your father-"

"I'm not his heir." Avalon corrected.

"He loves you, you are his daughter." Larys corrected. "his perfect daughter, might I add."

"I never want any trouble." Avalon corrected.

"Yet trouble has found you, dear girl." Larys reminded her.

"Maybe if i was more ferocious." Avalon whispered as harwin and Lyonel disappeared onto the horizon. "But who's afraid of little ole me?"

"Home at last no more rhaenyra and her bastards. No more viserys on my crown! Its good to be home!" Daemon declared. He peered around for davina but she was more interested in the dragons. Robbie tucked into her side she kissed his cheek as they got to cannibal and silverwing. Fury was lounging in the sun after the flight.

"Where did your mother run off to?" Daemon questioned

"Mama mama mama!" Petyr declared running back outside. Daemon rolled his eyes. The boys were definitely mamas boys. Vaera was his girl.

"You hungry daddy?" Vaera questioned.

"Starving." Daemon wrapped an arm around her shoulder leading her to the kitchens.

''A word?''

''I take it he's gone.''

''We're finished here. We're leaving.'' Rhaenyra demanded

''What of your offer? Maeve and Aegon?'' Laenor countered

''Maeve will marry Aegon once she has bled." Rhaneyra admitted. She hated to leave her baby with these monsters but she couldnt really back out on her deal. She was the one that offered up maeve like prized cattle and alicent had agreed. "I have been undermined... and made a spectacle. They whisper about me in the corridors. Well, I leave them to it.'' Rhaenyra hissed.

''To Dragonstone then?'' Laenor offered

''We should've left years ago.'' Rhaenyra admitted. "Im sure daemon and davina will be glad to have the added company."

''What of your position?'' Laenor countered ''You've always said if you were absent from court, she would pour her honey in your father's ear."

"The wise sailor flees the storm as it gathers.'' Rhaenyra reminded him of his own words, she glanced back at Qarl. ''Laenor... bring him. We'll need every sword we can muster.''

"It was so good seeing davina and daemom again. Vaera has grown so tall." Viserys remarked.

"She certainly had. Helaena misses her when she goes." Alicent remarked. A knock sounded at the door and ser Harold introduced rhaenyra.

"Father... your grace." She added stiffly to alicent. "I just wanted to let you know that when light breaks we are leaving."

"Leaving?" Viserys questioned. Alicent sat up straighter.

"To dragonstone." Rhaenyra agreed.

"What of maeve and aegon?"

"Maeve can stay. She cant be so far away if she is to marry my son." Alicent added.

"Yes... i suppose thats what it means." Rhaenyra agreed. She didnt want to leave her daughter but she knew that despite her loathing of criston he would keep a good eye on Maeve.

"I will take good care of Maeve." Alicent assured. "Treat her like a daughter," alicent added. That wasn't reassuring considering alicent didnt seem to like her daughter.

"Thank you... your grace." Rhaenyra agreed through gritted teeth.

Maeve didnt understand. Aegon? But she loved aemond. She wanted to marry aemond. Why did her mother hate her so much!

Maeve locked herself in her room as her family departed the next morning. She didnt want to see them off. She would be seeing them soon enough at a funeral anyway from the ravens that came in.

''Love... is a downfall. Best to make your way through life unencumbered... if you ask me.'

''They're dead.'' Alicent remarked.

''You've heard the stories of Harrenhal, Your Grace. It was built in hubris by Harren the Black as a monument to his own greatness. Blood mixed into the mortar. It is said to be a cursed place. That it passes judgment on all who pass beneath its gates.'' Larys remarked softly.

''You... You passed judgment.'' Alicent corrected

''The Queen makes a wish. What servant of the realm would not strive to fulfill it? I assume you will write to your father now?'' Larys questioned softly.

''Larys... I did not wish for this.''

''I feel certain you will reward me... when the time is right.'

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