7. Scars

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"Where did Davina run off to?" Viserys questioned.

"I cant be certain your grace." Otto answered curious to find his brother gone as well.

"Honestly the women in my life right now. Uncontrollable. "

"Makes one think of the future of the realms in such disobedient hands." Otto urged.

Alicent watched Avalon longingly as she leaned into Ty. She wanted a love like that even if Avalon wasn't with Ty. Larys had a similar longing as he looked at Avalon wanting to be the man she leaned on.

"I'm tired." Avalon whispered.

"Take a cat nap. I got you." Ty assured keeping an arm around her. Avalon blushed tucking her chin to her chest. The chatter around them was nothing compared to the steady thrum of her heart when Ty Tyrell touched her.

"I like when you got me." Avalon admitted. From the outside eye it looked innocent. Guard and his charge. Princess and her knight. Oh heavens she could imagine marrying anyone but him.

"Your Grace... I had this forged in the Golden Gallery in honor of Prince Aegon.'' Jason said coming up to Viserys. Otto rolled his eyes veering off.

'It's quite a thing.' Viserys said as Jason handed off the spear.

'I hope it might provide the killing stroke against your white hart. The King of the Kings wood. It's as if the Seven themselves have blessed this day.'

"Dragonstone." Rupert whispered in davinas ear.


"Where is he?" Rupert agreed. Davina sighed closing her eyes. She had a deep connection with them something that went bone deep. When fury hatched davina and fury had a connection like no other. After spending years training with them she could sense them. Feel the beating of their wings from miles away.

Thats what happens when you mix blood magic and ancient beasts.

"East end." Davina answered. "Hes sun bathing." She added.

"Good." Rupert agreed his hand sliding along her inner thigh.

Make a dragon bleed and see through their eyes. Make a dragon bleed and you become a dragon. Make a dragon see you as the alpha and they will defend you until their death.

The witches words still craved in davinas mind. Along with the intricate burn shaped like a single wing on the right side of her back.

Those moments that witch cast the spell davina felt like she could fly. Like she had wings of her own before the pain soaked in and screams filled her lungs. Her eyes popped open and fire flickered in her eyes. She claimed cannibal easily after that. He respected her and the power he felt within her.

"I wish I rode mouse here." Avalon remarked grabbing ty's hand.

"Maybe you take me for a ride when we get back." Ty suggested. Avalons mouth went dry.

"Wha..." she rasped.

"A ride. On mouse."

"Oh. Yeah..." avalon agreed. He could have said it differently but he liked the way her cheeks flamed when she thought he meant riding him and his thick cock.

'I would be honored to take the Princess Rhaenyra to wife, Your Grace. What I offer you, The crown and your daughter, is strength.' Jason told viserys.

'Do you think that House Targaryen wants for strength?'

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