12-Days Till Leave-Night

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My Marine, I missed calling you tonight as I was busy with my family. The strangest part was how even while with them I kept thinking about calling you or you being here. I don't know how I'm going to survive without calling you everyday. I'm so addicted to hearing you and seeing you that it's crazy. I can't help but stare at the photos I have and messages you sent.

My friend today looked at me like I was crazy to wait 3 years for you to come back but I don't entirely care. I feel like I would wait an eternity for you. I would wait for my marine to come home and not your place states away but home to me. I love when you always ask how I am and how my cat is. I love how you include my baby cat unlike anyone else. You always ask if you can see her and that is more than anyone else does.

I can't help but imagine our future, our wedding, and just our life when you come home. I can just picture the relatively small wedding. You standing with your buddies with my friends and sister. I imagine you just staring at me like you do. I can see myself reaching you in that white dress as you take my hands and call me beautiful. I can see you smiling like an idiot as I call you my husband officially. I can picture the shocked face on my family while realizing we have made it the many years of you being away.

I imagine how you would bring me home and just make me feel like the most amazing person on earth. I envision you and I sitting on the floor when it's midnight eating ice cream and you judging about how I like vanilla while you eat some crazy flavor. I see you and I putting together Lego sets like the children we sometimes are. I imagine me telling you how I'm pregnant and you smiling like you just won the lottery. I can see us decorating the house waiting for our child to come. I can see you kissing my belly while pregnant.

I love you so much my Marine. I hope you come home soon. Just please don't come home because you get hurt. You promised to return in one piece and alive.

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