14 Days Before You Leave-Nighttime

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My hot marine, you don't know how much you mean to me. You have changed my life for the better. I love when you tell me that I should sleep though I will always claim I'm not tired. I love that you remind me to eat or drink and sometimes to shower. I know I'm forgetful and overthink a lot. I love that you care about me even when you are having a bad day.

You make me so happy. I remember the first time I was overthinking and you simply looked at me and told me that everything was okay and for the first time I believed it. I remember telling you that I thought you were angry and asked if you wanted me to stay away for a while. You texted me back saying, "why would I want my girl to stay away?" I know it doesn't mean much to you but to me it changed everything.

I love when you told me to text you like I would my best friend and you ended up telling me all about how you see me. It was the most precious thing to me. To hear that you love when I sit crisscross on the floor and work my puzzles and how I always manage to find a new cat to bring home. It made me smile and laugh so much.

I'm going to miss watching you put on all your gear while mismatching your uniforms because you were simply bored. I'm going to miss hearing you laugh when I stumble over my cat. It's only going to be three short years but I feel it will drag for all eternity. By the time you get back I'll be done with my college work and be looking for a job. I'll be 23 instead of 19. I'm going to have changed a lot. It seems like forever in the distance but yet so close.

I love you my marine. I know you haven't left the country yet but please come home soon. Please come home. We still have to build our forever together like you promised.

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