Your Travel There

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You left today on your first few fights across the country. You are currently staying at the airport over night to be prepped at two am. You called me knowing I was a mess and asked me if I was okay. My marine, I am a mess. You don't know that I'm sitting in my bed at almost midnight writing a letter to you. You don't know that while I'm doing that I'm trying so hard to not completely lose my crap.

You don't know how bad my separation anxiety is or how badly I just want to beg for you to stay here. You don't know how I want you to stay here and just come hug me and promise not to leave. You don't know that I'm silently crying in my room petting my cat while trying so hard not to completely lose my mind.

I want you to stay my marine. I want you to stay here with me. I do not want you to leave and go to Japan. I don't want you in that airport right now, I want you here in my bed curled up with me. I want to go with you because I don't know how I'm going to get through you being all the way over there.

I want to tell you everything but I can't. I can't tell you all this because you have a job and as we said, "our jobs are first, then our families, then each other". We promised to support each other and even if this kills me your job comes first. You made a promise to your country before me and you have to keep it. And you know what that kills me but I have to be strong because you told me to.

You promised to come home my marine. You promised to come do everything I've read about. You promised to pick me up and kiss me. You promised to hug me till I can't breathe. You promised to never let me go. You make me feel like I've known you forever and that we aren't just stupid 19 year olds. You make me sappy and all lovey like and I'm not entirely mad about it.

I wish I met you before you met her and before she ruined you. I wish I met you before you enlisted but you know what we didn't meet then. The strange part is that I would wait 3 years for you. I'd wait even longer than that if I had to. Though you better keep your promise and actually call or else I might have to come track you down in Japan.

I love you so much my marine. Please come home soon. I need you to come home and marry me like you promised you would. I need you to marry me and start our family. I need you to take me with you and to promise to never let me go.

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