1.10. Actions don't always have consequences

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The next day Harry cornered me in the library while I tried to do my homework

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The next day Harry cornered me in the library while I tried to do my homework. The Hogwarts Library was on the first floor and was filled with tens of thousands of books on thousands of shelves. The strict librarian Madam Pince had already decided that she didn't like me. I had the audacity to sneeze in the library. How dare I? Shame, Pippa. SHAME!

"Pip, Pip, Pip! Guess what... I'm officially a Quidditch player! Youngest house player in a century." Harry said excitedly.

"How nice." I hummed, trying to figure out how the hell you were supposed to pronounce Wingardium Leviosa.

"I've got one of the most important jobs, I'm the seeker. I've got to catch a tiny little snitch before the other team's seeker. Whichever Seeker catches the Snitch wins his team an extra hundred and fifty points I'm going to start my training tonight."

I glanced up raising my eyebrows at him. "They need someone to catch a tiny hard to see moving ball and they picked you... with those?"

I gestured to his round broken glasses.

"Hey!" He threw a duck-shaped rubber at my head. Thankfully I had an amazing reaction time (and Harry was terrible at throwing) so I caught it pretty easily. "Professor McGonagall thinks I'm going to do well. Did you know Dad was a Quidditch player himself?"

"What? Really?" I perked up completely forgetting my charms homework. I wasn't going to do it anyway.

"Yeah, seeker too... I think."

"That's so cool." I hadn't really thought about the fact that Mum and Dad had gone to Hogwarts.  People here knew them. Maybe I could ask them about Mum and Dad. Maybe someone could finally answer my questions.

How would Dad feel about me being sorted into Slytherin? Most Gryffindors acted like I'd cursed them and their entire families. Would he be disappointed in me? Would Mum? Probably. Everyone else was. Why would they be any different?

"I know! You remember the parcel I got this morning at breakfast."

I thought back to the morning but the farthest I got was Charms class before lunch where Professor Flitwick scolded me about not turning in my homework and gave a 3 day extention.

"Err- no."

"It was a Nimbus Two Thousand!" Harry said practically bouncing in his chair. "That's a broom."

"I knew that." I didn't know that. "That's great Harry."

"Yeah, but you can't tell anyone Pipsy. I mean it, no one. Wood wants it to be a surprise."

"Okay, okay, I promise not to tell anyone." I held up my hands in surrender. I probably was going to forget about it, I had a terrible memory. Sort of like a goldfish.

"Oh, can you tell your weird friend to stop trying to touch my scar?"

I sighed. Ayesha had a strange fascination with Harry. It was weird. "Yeah, I'll tell her."

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