Concern for jamaibabu

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Bondita was standing in front of the washroom mirror breathing heavily, she had seen people kissing each other back in London but never ever think that on day she will experience it with her patibabu. The couples who loved each other express their love in this way it means her patibabu also.......a shy smile adorned her face and unable to see her blushing self in the mirror she covered her face with both hands. But on the other side anirudh was totally in panic, he was controlling himself from this much time then how can he loose his control. He kissed her without her permission, she doesn't want that and he kissed her without even thinking that what will she feel, if she want to take this step in their relation or not.

" O anirudh now how will you face her, what will she do now, will she consider me like those men who force themselves upon their wife without their permission, will she leave me now, did I look like a pervert to her, o dugga ma..."
Various thoughts was running inside his brain at the same time and bondita was also not coming outside bathroom to calm his over thinking mind.

He thought to knock the bathroom door and ask her if she feel bad by his touch but decided not to and went to other room to chance his clothes. On returning back he found she was still not outside so went near bathroom door and was about to knock when he hear the water flowing sound got stopped. Assuming that she was coming out he quickly ran and jumped over the bed and by covering himself with the blanket pretended to sleep.

Bondita came outside and look that he is asleep, good, she was also feeling shy to face him after whatever happened between them. She laid down beside him on the bed and pulled the blanket to cover herself. At last by switching off the light she turned to other side but at the same time anirudh opened his eyes and turned his head towards her, he wants to ask if she didn't feel good by his touch but couldn't gather the courage.

After battling with his thoughts he shift little more towards her and with hesitation kept his hand over hers but bondita immediately swatted away his hand and he got conformation that he had did that forcefully, she was not willing to do that. Till now in his anger he had harm her, said many things but never forcefully touched her then how tonight, how can he do this.

Disheartened he was lying beside her looking towards her back but quickly close his eyes when he feel that she was turning around.

Bondita got scared when she feel someone's hand over her and assuming it to be a big insect swatted it away but immediately regret when she got to know that it was her patibabu, but what can she do now. He was sleeping and as per their routine hugged her but she is a fool and now don't have courage to say him that she want him to hug her.

After sometime by thinking that he is asleep bondita turned around and slowly lift his hand and kept it on her waist over the blanket. This made him open his eyes and their eyes meet, bondita feel her cheeks getting warm by just looking towards him so she kept her face on his chest and hide it.

Anirudh was totally stunned, was she not feeling disgusted near him. He kissed her without her permission and she is here allowing him to keep his hand on her body, not just allowing she herself kept his hand there. This is not fair he wants clarity about what she feel. So asked slowly with a hope in his mind that may be she also wanted this , he don't want that their first kiss will turn out to be a bad memory for her.

"Bondita " He slowly said.

"Hmm" Bondita replied in equally slow voice.

" Did you feel bad with my touch, did i do that without your consent"

Bondita was not able to say anything just shook her head, her head is still buried in his chest.

With her answer he feel a like a big burden fall from his heart. Bondita also feel him taking a sigh in relief but why is she hiding her face. Anirudh cupped her cheek and try to pull her face out but bondita clutched his night shirt in her fists and pushed her face more into his chest.

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