Chapter 14: Sisters B4 Misters

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                I walked around soullessly. I felt empty, like all the air in my lungs was knocked out, like I hit a brick wall. Yeah, a brick wall sounded about right. I leaned up against a locker as I tried to calm down; my throat ached as I held back my whimpers. Why was Brie doing this to me, and what did I do to her to make her this way? Marc.

                 Marc was such a sweet person, the more I was around him the more he seemed to open up. From his dazzling black eyes to the endless amount of expressions that danced across his face...OH, my heart leapt at every picture perfect smile! I wanted to capture it so badly; I wanted that smile to be mine to be displayed in my artwork.

                 "Hey, Marc is it right?" I blinked back from my fantasies. I swore I just heard Brie's voice?

                 "Yeah, that's me." Marc? Where were their voices coming from? I poked my head around the corner and saw the two talking. I quickly shot my head back. I can't believe it, I was eavesdropping?

                 "Look pal," Brie's voice became bitter and fierce. "I swear to god, if you in any way hurt Abby you will be sorry." I heard her take a step. "I will fucking knock you into next Tuesday if you so much as make her cry!" What was she saying? What was she getting at?

                 "And who are you to make such accusations?" Marc's voice was deep and serious.

                 "I am_." She cut herself off. "I was her best friend."She spoke very softly in that last portion. I hear Marc shuffle. His foot tapped the ground as he stayed silent. Was he pondering?

                 "Please stop that whimpering would you?" Whimpering? It pained me to stay hidden, oh Brie...

                 "S-shut up!" she sniffled.

                 "Please...just stop OK? I promise I would never hurt Abigail... ever." I felt heat rush to my face. "She..." he fell silent for a moment. "She means a lot to both of us." I bit my lip hard.

                 "Well, she doesn't think so. Right now she hates my guts." Oh, she will open up to a complete stranger but she won't open up to me?

                 "No she doesn't." He replied.

                 "How do you know?" Brie snapped. "You've been talking with her?"

                 "No, I know Abigail wouldn't hate someone. She isn't capable of it trust me, I am the perfect example." Somehow I felt touched by his compliment... and completely insulted at the same time. Only Marc... only Marc.

                 "Yeah, you are right." Brie giggled. I pictured her rubbing her eyes.

                 "You should go talk with her; no matter what it is about I am sure she will forgive you."

                 "How do you know I am the one who is in need of being forgiven?" I am only guessing but I think he gave her a look. "Yeah, I know it's obvious." They talked for a little while longer then Marc spoke up stronger.

                 "Go to her." He urged. Wrong choice of words Marc...

                 "I don't think I should, I need to let her cool down. I don't want her to recoil back at me." Wow, she knows me well.

                 "Fine..." Marc breathed; when they said their goodbyes I hightailed it out of there as fast as I could.


                 You know, not being able to lose myself in my art has really cleared my head. Sitting watching the clouds pass me by I plucked the petals off of a daisy and tried to understand my situation.

                 Pluck. He loves me...

                 Pluck. He loves me not...

                 Pluck. He loves me...

                 Pluck. He loves me not...

                 Pluck. He Loves...

                 I looked down to the naked daisy, the last petal grasped between my thumb and index finger.  He loves me? Oh come on, that is so cliché?

                 "What are you doing?" I tucked the daisy under my thigh as I shot up.

                 "Nothing much, just... cloud gazing."

                 "Cloud gazing..." I nodded in confirmation. I looked over my shoulder to see her slender figure, and then trailed my eyes upward until they met her face.

                 "Yeah, Brie." She gave me the whole of one school day to "clear my head". Brie and her impatience? She expelled air, her limps bending as she squatted beside me on the grass.

                 "I know you are probably pissed off at me right now..." She trailed off, her eyes turning to the ground. "B-but I just wanted to tell you I am sorry. I... never meant any of the things I said, honest!" Her gaze shot to my face, and I saw tears start to form.

                 "B-Brie?" Why is she crying? Is she OK?

                 "I know I am a horrible friend but please, please accept me back?" I swallowed hard, speechless. She caught on quickly. "Marc is a better person than I thought, and I am sorry for jumping to conclusions. Abby, I care a lot about you; you are my best friend I just... never want anything to happen to you." I flushed pink.

                 "Brie..." I tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, smiling and trying to show her it was OK. She returned the expression, her watery grey irises beaming in happiness. She really was my best friend. "I forgive you." She reached out and hugged me, and the clouds parted to reveal the sun. Well... not actually?


                 Later as I made my way back from the school yard I heard someone clear their throat. I found him there leaning against the building just around the corner. He pulled out a little black box and handed it to me.

                 "Today is where we begin." Hm?

                 "Begin what?" He blinked, humour and excitement seeping into his face.

                 "You got the leather sketchbook right?" How could he of guessed? I nodded.

                 "Good, now just wait and see." He pat my shoulder and lead me away.

                 But led me away to where exactly?

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