Chapter 18: What You Can Hide Behind A Pair of Sunglasses

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"Hey Mom," She asked where all the noise in the background was coming from. I plugged one ear. "Yeah, you know those posters for that concert that we seen around town lately? Well, my friends invited me to tag along so here I am?"

"Oh, so you are with your friends, that's good. Let me know if you need me to pick you up after."

"Thanks Mom you're the best."

"Abby, thereyou are!" I shoved my phone in my bag and turned. Within the sea of bodies swam my friends with their wild smiles and excited faces.

"Guys, hey!" swarmed by the crush of people surrounding us my friends were shoved up against me and it took all my might to not fall over. "Hi Brie," I said to her as she hovered an inch away. "How long till the show?"

"They still have the first performance; it's been a while though." Brie looked over to Beth. "Weren't they supposed to start 20 minutes ago?" She shrugged.

"It's been a while, I know that?" We pushed our way through the swell to the side of the stage near the speakers which was a small oasis of ample legroom.

"Who is supposed to be performing?" They all shook their heads. I looked up and found my eyes trailing to the side of the stage, just behind the curtain was a woman with a clip board, she was failing with one hand and had a cell phone in the other. I distinctly saw her mouth "Well, what am I suppose to do?" And my brain finally clicked.

"What's wrong Abby?" I shot my attention to Beth.

"They are having trouble, see that woman over there, I think she is having difficulty with the band?" They all looked back.

"What woman?" Beth asked.

"Yeah, all I see is a guy with sunglasses?" Margaret exclaimed. I shot a glance over, they were right she was gone?

"Hey, that red thing... is that an electric guitar?"Brie asked as she monitored the man. He indeed seemed to be a strange character, but as he was about to walk onto the stage the woman reappeared, she placed her hands on his shoulder in a light pat as he nodded to her every word. Then suddenly she leaned up kissed him on the cheek and returned back stage. The man transformed from being expressionless to a shining bright smile and finally, he took his first step on stage.

"Hello, how is everybody doing here tonight?" His voice was slightly cleaner than what you would have expected of a grown man; maybe those glasses were shielding more than just the harsh lighting?

The crowd applauded loudly, and he fell back from the mic as he talked to the drummer and base player that entered onto the stage. He returned soon after.

"Sorry guys but it seems The W.R.E.C.K.S. and the first performance are running a tad late soooo..." His tone was ecstatic and he seemed to come alive on the stage. "Who is ready to make some noise till they get here?" the crowd was in an uproar of applause. "So now my people, without further a due," he grasped his pick and strung a loud note on the guitar. "Let's get this concert started!" the place was inaudible with its ear busting decibels pounding against my eardrums. I moaned in pain as Beth screamed along right beside me. If I wasn't deaf now I was going to be.

The base jumped, the guitar staggered, the drums smashed as their tune came alive and well through the speakers. It was a magic tune, flowing in a way I never heard before. It was original yet not pushing the envelope enough to be falling under the ''strange'' end of the spectrum. Oh, but as the man licked his lips and put his mouth to the microphone that was when the music really happened, that's when the noise became a song, and that's when I realised we were not just listening to any run of the mill singer, we were listening to a marvel!

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