Part Twelve

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(Anna's POV)

As soon as we made our way outside, Dani and I made our way to one of the group's members to see if they had seen Pelle, Christian, anyone. Thankfully they did, and were even sewn enough to lead us to them. As Pelle and Ingemar were giving a tour or sorts of the compound and were currently gathered around what looked to be a big stone with carvings. 

"Dani" I whispered to her as we made our way closer,


"Did we ask them what they're name was?"

Dani's eyes got wide as she slowly shook her head, I tried to hold back my laughter.

"they must think we're bitches"

Dani pretended to look shocked but failed as she too started laughing, "I said thank you though"

"Fuck" I laughed, "Then that just makes me the bitch!"

Pelle turned to face us as we were now close enough for him to hear our laughter.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"Nothing" me and Dani responded simultaneously, causing us to laugh even more with the occasional snort thrown in.


I leaned into Pelle as he wrapped his arm around my waist, drawing circles on my hip with his thumb.

"So how long have you two been together?" Connie asks

"Us or them?" I ask back while pointing at me and Pelle then Dani and Christian.


"Well I've had the pleasure of calling Anna mine for a little over a year now" Pelle replies.

He looks at me with that wonderful smile of his before leaning down to kiss me softly.

"Me and Dani have been together for a little longer" Christians says, " Just over 3 and a half years."

"4 years" Dani chimes in.

I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from saying something. I love Christian but when he does things like this it makes it hard for me to remember why we're still friends. I mean how do you forget how long you've been with a person, even Mark knows the answer. I can say that confidently as I've caught him in the past arguing with Christian why he's "wasted 4 years of his life with the ultimate buzzkill." that comment earned him a kick to the dick.

"No? Really?' Christian asks Dani,

"yep, 4 years and two weeks."

"I'm sorry. you're right. 4 years." Christian tells Dani before quickly changing the subject to Connie, Simon and Ingemar.

"Yeah, um, how did you guys all meet?"

"Well, uh... we were all working on the same farm and funny enough, I was dating Connie when Simon and me first became pals" Ingemar tells the group.

But turns out that wasn't the most accurate version as Connie follows by saying how she and Ingemar went on one date if you could even call it that.

"You're right," Ingemar tells her, "I meant that Connie and me had just become friends. We.. we decided to be friends. and that was just before Connie and Simon started dating. and now they're engaged."

"What?!" Dani exclaims, "Congratulations!"

"Congrats" I tell them, making my way to Connie "can I see the ring?"

"sure" she responds giving me her hand so I can take a look.

"Oh that is stunning! good job Simon" I tell them.

"Thanks" Simon tells me before addressing the group, "Yeah, we actually asked Ingemar to officiate the wedding."

"Really?" Connie asks him, shocked.

"Nah." Simons says while shaking his head with a smirk.

"What's that building over there?' Christian asks, pointing to a triangular yellow building in the distance.

"It's like a sacred temple, but no one's allowed in there." Pelle explains, "Uh, let me show you where you sleep."

"Let me show you the Rotvalta!" Ingemar tells Connie and and Simon.

"Is it alright if I go with you three? I ask them, "I already know where the sleeping quarters are"

"Sure" Ingemar tells me.

I give Pelle a quick kiss on the cheek as I follow Ingemar with Connie and Simon.

"So we're just going to ignore the bear then?" Simon asks

"it's a bear." Ingemar says but his nonchalantness cause me to snot.

Connie then points to what looks to be a hanging tapestry, causing Ingemar to bring us over for a closer look. On the tapestry is a series of drawings with what looks to be some king of messed up "love story". Which includes the girl in the drawings feeding her pubic hair and period blood to the boy in the drawing cousin him to fall in love.

"Hey Connie?"


"is that how you bagged Simon?"

Connie chuckles, "oh definitely" she says with sarcasm laced in her tone, "what about you?"

I just laugh before giving the couple and Ingemar a wave before deciding to head back to the sleeping quarters. Those drawings made my nausea decide to act up again which means one thing, nap time.

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